#cmri #cmr-inet #model-railway

bin+lib cmri_tools

Tools for experimenting with CMRInet

2 releases

0.1.1 Oct 19, 2024
0.1.0 Sep 12, 2024

Custom license

11K SLoC

CMRI Tools

Crates Checks

A collection of tools I found useful for experimenting with CMRInet (as defined in NMRA Specification LCS-9.10.1).

The Binaries


A CLI/GUI application which provids the means to interconnect devices/software which have differing connection requirements, anything received on a connection is written to all the others.

Use the --help command line flag for usage information.


A GUI application which interprets the packets on a C/MRI network and provides:

  • The number of packets (in total and by type) seen.
  • A list of seen nodes.
  • For each node a detailed view including:
    • The number of packets (in total and by type) seen.
    • Type and configuration (if the initialization packet was seen).
    • Their input states (from the last receive data packet seen).
    • Their output states (from the last transmit data packet seen).

Use the --help command line flag for usage information.

If compiled with the experimenter feature then the packets over time plots also show unknown packets.


A GUI application for controlling the nodes of a CMRInet. The user can view the inputs and set the outputs of each node.

Use the --help command line flag for usage information.


A GUI application for "simulating" the nodes of a CMRInet. The user can view the outputs set by the controller and set the inputs.

Use the --help command line flag for usage information.


A GUI application for "simulating" a single node on a CMRInet. The user can view the outputs set by the controller and set the inputs.

Use the --help command line flag for usage information.


Tested against all tier 1 targets (except Windows using GNU build) from https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/rustc/platform-support.html on nightly (at time of pushing to GitHub) rust.


~1M SLoC