#fuzzy-search #search #command-line-tool #fuzzy #find #terminal #cli

bin+lib close_enough

Simple fuzzy-searching function and command line tool

5 releases (3 breaking)

0.5.0 Oct 13, 2022
0.4.0 Feb 25, 2021
0.3.0 Sep 27, 2019
0.2.1 Oct 25, 2017
0.2.0 Oct 22, 2017

#1002 in Filesystem

Used in doq

CC0 license

551 lines


Crates.io Docs.rs

Simple fuzzy-searching function and command line tool.


cargo install close_enough

Installing the ce command

This is a cd-like command for fuzzily changing directories. See examples further down.

  1. Install close_enough as above
  2. Run cle -ce-script bash > ce.sh to generate the shell script
    • If you also want to use the hop command, you should use: cle -ce-script bash --with-hop > ce.sh
  3. Source ce.sh in your .bashrc, .profile, or similar

Installing the hop command

This allows you to track recently used folders (you can define wrappers around cd or ce to do this automatically) and hop directly to them with a fuzzy match.

  1. Install close_enough as above
  2. Run cle -hop-script bash > hop.sh to generate the shell script
  3. Source hop.sh in your .bashrc etc.



~$ cle duck --inputs blue_and_gold_macaw duck_billed_platypus angry_dog
> duck_billed_platypus

~$ cle dbp --inputs blue_and_gold_macaw duck_billed_platypus angry_dog
> duck_billed_platypus
~$ ls
> my_file.txt  their_file.txt  your_file.txt
~$ ls | cle my
> my_file.txt


~$ ce my lo dir pa
~/my/long/directory/path$ ce ..
~/my/long/directory/path$ ce ..3
~/my/long/directory/path$ ce ..my other dir pa
~$ ce / u lo sh
/usr/local/share$ ce ~


~$ ce my dir 1
~/my/directories/d1$ ce .. 2
~/my/directories/d2$ cd
~$ # If you used --with-hop then hop will have tracked the d1 and d2 dirs
~$ hop to d1
~/my/directories/d1$ hop to d2


~139K SLoC