4 releases

0.1.2 Jun 26, 2024
0.1.1 Jun 20, 2024
0.1.0 Jun 18, 2024
0.0.0 Jun 17, 2024

#589 in Web programming

MIT license

96 lines


CK3OOP is a simple framework for managing / developing mods in Crusader Kings III and with help of the Jomini library. It allows you to work with CK3 mods in JavaScript, automating tasks such as mod sorting, conflict detection and maybe compatibility patching. The primary goal is to automate tedious tasks by providing access to common CK3 modding concepts in a high-level language (and to learn some Javascript finally :D)


  • Reads and parses the dlc_load.json file to determine enabled mods.
  • Processes mod files and extracts relevant information.
  • Supports running custom rules on the parsed data.


In the example directory, you can find an example of how to use the tool.

Here is an example of a rule that checks if any on_action events in the mod conflict with the base game:

const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const _ = require('lodash');
const utils = require('./utils');

function conflictOnAction(
) {

   // Directory where on_action files are located
   const onActionDir = "\\common\\on_action";

   // We want to find all on_actions files in the base game
   const vanillaOnActionFiles = gameFiles.filter(gameFile => gameFile.dir === onActionDir);

   // Get all on_action events in the base game
   let vanillaOnActionEvents = vanillaOnActionFiles.map((f) => {
      let fileContent = fs.readFileSync(f.fullPath, "utf-8");
      let parsed = parser.parseText(fileContent);
      return Object.keys(parsed);

   // For each mods check if any of its on_actions conflict with the base game
   // That mean that it has the same key and overwrites "trigger" or "effect"
   enabledMods.forEach((mod) => {

      // Get all on_action files in the mod
      let modOnActionFiles = mod.files.filter(file => file.dir === onActionDir);

      // Loop through all on_action files
      let modOnActions = [];
      modOnActionFiles.forEach(onActionFile => {

         // Parse and push all keys to the list
         let parsed = utils.tryParse(parser, onActionFile.fullPath);

         // Iterate through all keys in the on_action file

            // If the key is in the base game, check if it conflicts
            if(vanillaOnActionEvents.includes(key)) {
               if (parsed[key].effect !== undefined) {
                  throw new Error(`Conflict in ${mod.name} on_action: ${key} has an effect`);
               if (parsed[key].trigger !== undefined) {
                  throw new Error(`Conflict in ${mod.name} on_action: ${key} has a trigger`);
               // Log that it's correct
               console.log(`No conflict in ${mod.name} on_action: ${key}`);

   return context;

conflictOnAction.name = "loadOrderRule";
module.exports = conflictOnAction;


To use CK3OOP, you need to have Node.js installed on your system. You can install Node.js from the official website.

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone https://github.com/bukowa/ck3oop.git
    cd ck3oop
  2. Install the necessary dependencies:

    npm install


> node main.js example

Working in directory: C:\Users\buk\WebstormProjects\ck3oop\example
Using config file: C:\Users\buk\WebstormProjects\ck3oop\example\ck3oop.json
Mod directory: C:\Users\buk\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III
Reading dlc_load.json...
Creating enabled mods...
  'Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment (RICE)',
  'Community Flavor Pack',
  'Ethnicities and Portraits Expanded',
  'CFP + EPE Compatibility Patch',
  'Culture Expanded',
  'RICE + EPE Compatibility Patch',
  'Unit Pack Expanded',
Reading enabled rules...
[ 'parsingRule', 'saveargsasjson' ]
Reading files of mod: Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment (RICE)
Reading files of mod: Community Flavor Pack
Reading files of mod: Ethnicities and Portraits Expanded
Reading files of mod: CFP + EPE Compatibility Patch
Reading files of mod: Culture Expanded
Reading files of mod: RICE + EPE Compatibility Patch
Reading files of mod: Unit Pack Expanded
Reading files of mod: test
Reading files of the base game...
Creating load resolution order...
Running rules...
Running rule: parsingRule
  filePath: 'C:\\Users\\buk\\Documents\\Paradox Interactive\\Crusader Kings III\\mod\\ugc_2507209632.mod',
  fileName: 'mod/ugc_2507209632.mod',
  version: '1.0',
  name: 'Ethnicities and Portraits Expanded',
  picture: null,
  supported_version: '1.12.5',
  path: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1158310/2507209632',
  remote_file_id: '2507209632',
  resolvedPath: 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\workshop\\content\\1158310\\2507209632',
  files: null
  fullPath: 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\workshop\\content\\1158310\\2507209632\\common\\culture\\cultures\\00_akan.txt',
  path: '\\common\\culture\\cultures\\00_akan.txt',
  dir: '\\common\\culture\\cultures',
  file: '00_akan.txt',
  stats: null
  akan: {
    color: 'akan',
    ethos: 'ethos_egalitarian',
    heritage: 'heritage_akan',
    language: 'language_kwa',
    martial_custom: 'martial_custom_equal',
    traditions: [
    name_list: 'name_list_akan',
    coa_gfx: [ 'west_african_group_coa_gfx' ],
    building_gfx: [ 'african_building_gfx', 'mena_building_gfx' ],
    clothing_gfx: [ 'african_clothing_gfx' ],
    unit_gfx: [ 'central_african_unit_gfx', 'sub_sahran_unit_gfx' ],
    ethnicities: { '15': [Array] }
  kru: {
    color: 'kru',
    ethos: 'ethos_stoic',
    heritage: 'heritage_akan',
    language: 'language_kru',
    martial_custom: 'martial_custom_male_only',
    traditions: [
    name_list: 'name_list_kru',
    coa_gfx: [ 'west_african_group_coa_gfx' ],
    building_gfx: [ 'african_building_gfx', 'mena_building_gfx' ],
    clothing_gfx: [ 'african_clothing_gfx' ],
    unit_gfx: [ 'central_african_unit_gfx', 'sub_sahran_unit_gfx' ],
    ethnicities: { '15': [Array] }
  guan: {
    color: { hsv: [Array] },
    ethos: 'ethos_communal',
    heritage: 'heritage_akan',
    language: 'language_kwa',
    martial_custom: 'martial_custom_equal',
    traditions: [
    name_list: 'name_list_guan',
    coa_gfx: [ 'west_african_group_coa_gfx' ],
    building_gfx: [ 'african_building_gfx', 'mena_building_gfx' ],
    clothing_gfx: [ 'african_clothing_gfx' ],
    unit_gfx: [ 'central_african_unit_gfx', 'sub_sahran_unit_gfx' ],
    ethnicities: { '15': [Array] }
Running rule: saveargsasjson

Process finished with exit code 0

No runtime deps