#rgb-led #group #pattern #intended #sequencer #sequence #timer

no-std choreographer

A color pattern sequencer, intended for groups of RGB LEDs

4 releases

0.0.4 Jun 27, 2021
0.0.3 Jun 21, 2021
0.0.2 Jun 20, 2021
0.0.1 Jun 20, 2021

#2082 in Embedded development

MPL-2.0 license

666 lines


A color pattern sequencer, intended for groups of RGB LEDs


Check out the video in this tweet

use choreographer::{
    engine::{Behavior, Sequence},
use groundhog::std_timer::Timer;
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;

// Timer with 1us ticks
type MicroTimer = Timer<1_000_000>;

// Create a script for a single LED with up to
// eight different steps in the sequence
let mut script: Sequence<MicroTimer, 8> = Sequence::empty();

// This script will:
// * Keep the LED black for 1s
// * Fade from black to white and back in a sine pattern over 2.5s
// * Remain at black for 1s
// * End the sequence
script.set(&script! {
    | action |  color | duration_ms | period_ms_f | phase_offset_ms | repeat |
    |  solid |  BLACK |        1000 |         0.0 |               0 |   once |
    |    sin |  WHITE |        2500 |      2500.0 |               0 |   once |
    |  solid |  BLACK |        1000 |         0.0 |               0 |   once |
}, Behavior::OneShot);

// Poll the script and update the LED until the
// script has completed (4.5s or so)
while let Some(color) = script.poll() {
    println!("Color: {:?}", color);

// Now we could leave the LED off, or set a
// new sequence on some event!


This project is licensed under the Mozilla Public License v2.0.


~21K SLoC