#cable #webauthn #fido #hybrid #back-end

app cable-tunnel-server-backend

webauthn-rs caBLE tunnel server backend

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jun 7, 2023

#1073 in Authentication

MPL-2.0 license

990 lines

webauthn-rs cable-tunnel-server-backend

This binary provides a caBLE tunnel server, which is intended for non-production use only.

The backend can run in two configurations:

  • a single-task configuration, directly serving requests with no frontend.

    In this configuration, caBLE Routing IDs are ignored, and it is presumed all incoming requests can be served out of a single running task.

  • a multi-task configuration, with many frontend tasks.

    In this configuration, the backend presumes it has frontend tasks in front of it to handle caBLE Routing IDs. However, the frontend is not yet fully implemented.

The backend is stateless, and is not capable of communicating with other tasks on its own. Each tunnel exists within one (and only one) backend task, and backend tasks never process caBLE Routing IDs.


You can build the backend using Cargo:

cargo build

This will output a binary to ./target/debug/cable-tunnel-server-backend.

You can also run the server via Cargo:

cargo run -- --help

Configuring the server

The server is configured with command-line flags, which can be seen by running the server with --help.

To run the server at (for testing with webauthn-authenticator-rs built with the cable-override-tunnel feature):

./cable-tunnel-server-backend \
    --bind-address \

To run the server with HTTPS and strict Origin header checks:

./cable-tunnel-server-backend \
    --bind-address \
    --tls-public-key /etc/ssl/certs/cable.example.com.pem \
    --tls-private-key /etc/ssl/certs/cable.example.com.key \
    --origin cable.example.com

Important: caBLE has an algorithm to deriving tunnel server domain names – you cannot host the service on an arbitrary domain name of your choosing.

Run webauthn-authenticator-rs' cable_domain example to derive hostnames at the command line.


By default, the server runs at log level info. This can be changed with the RUST_LOG environment variable, using the log levels available in the tracing crate.

The server logs the following at each level, plus all the messages in the levels above it:

  • error: TLS handshake errors, TCP connection errors, incorrect or unknown HTTP requests

  • warn: warnings about using unencrypted HTTP

  • info: (default) start-up messages, HTTP connection lifetime, HTTP request logs, WebSocket tunnel lifetime

  • debug: n/a

  • trace: adds complete incoming HTTP requests, WebSocket tunnel messages


The server exports some basic metrics at /debug:

  • server_state.strong_count: the number of strong references to Arc<ServerState>

  • peer_map: a HashMap of all pending tunnels - those where the authenticator has connected but the initiator has not yet connected.

    • peer_map.capacity: the capacity of the pending tunnels HashMap

    • peer_map.len: the number of pending tunnels


~363K SLoC