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0.7.0 Feb 11, 2025
0.6.0 Feb 5, 2025
0.5.0 Feb 3, 2025
0.4.0 Jan 21, 2025
0.1.1 Jun 3, 2024

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MIT license


Bullet stream

Bulletproof printing for bullet point text


An opinionated logger aimed at streaming text output (of scripts or buildpacks) to users. The format is loosely based on markdown headers and bullet points, hence the name.


This work started as a shared output format for Heroku's Cloud Native Buildpack (CNB) efforts, which are written in Rust. You can learn more about Heroku's Cloud Native Buildpacks here.


Add bullet_stream to your project:

$ cargo add bullet_stream

Now use Print to output structured text as a script/buildpack executes. The output is intended to be read by the end user.

use bullet_stream::Print;

let mut output = Print::global()
    .h2("Example Buildpack")
    .warning("No Gemfile.lock found");

output = output
    .bullet("Ruby version")


Or for a more flexible experience use the provided global function interface:

use bullet_stream::global::print;

let started = std::time::Instant::now();
print::h2("Example Buildpack");
print::warning("No Gemfile.lock found");
print::bullet("Ruby version");

Living style guide

To view the output format and read a living style guide, you can run:

$ git clone https://github.com/schneems/bullet_stream
$ cd bullet_stream
$ cargo run --example style_guide


In nature, colors and contrasts are used to emphasize differences and danger. Print utilizes common ANSI escape characters to highlight what's important and deemphasize what's not. The output experience is designed from the ground up to be streamed to a user's terminal correctly.

Consistent indentation and newlines

Help your users focus on what's happening rather than on inconsistent formatting. The Print is a consuming, stateful design. That means you can use Rust's powerful type system to ensure only the output you expect, in the style you want, is emitted to the screen. See the documentation in the state module for more information.


The project has some unique requirements that might not be obvious at first glance:

  • Assume screen clearing is not available: Text UI tools such as progress bars rely on ANSI escape codes to clear and redraw lines, which simulates animation. A primary goal of this project is to be used in contexts like a git hook, where each line is prefixed via remote >. The library provides tooling for alternative append-only "spinners" that denote the passage of time without requiring a screen redraw.
  • Atomic ANSI: Bullet stream uses ANSI codes to colorize output, but it cannot predict if/when the stream will be disconnected. In that event, we don't want to leave the user's screen accidentally blue (or some other color), so the library favors always writing an ANSI reset code for every line of output. This also ensures that any wrapped prefixes like a remote > are not accidentally colorized.
  • Accessibility over style: While the project uses ANSI codes to colorize output, it relies on the most common colors likely to be supported by most shells, terminals, and command prompts.
  • Distinguish between owned and unowned output: Any messages a script author emits are "owned" while calling another process and streaming the output (like bundle install) are "unowned". Bullet stream uses leader characters and color to denote "owned" output, while unowned output carries no markers and is generally indented.
  • Favor ease of use over runtime performance: It's assumed that the script/buildpack will call commands and perform network or system IO that should dwarf the cost of allocating a String. It's not that this project aims to be needlessly expensive; however, if raw streaming performance is your goal, this project is not for you.



The library design relies on a consuming struct design to guarantee output consistency. That means that you'll end up needing to assign the bullet_stream result just about every time you use it, for example:

use bullet_stream::Print;

let mut log = Print::global().h1("Building Ruby");
log = {
    let mut bullet = log.bullet("Doing things");
    // ..
log = {
    let mut bullet = log.bullet("Noun");
    // ...
    bullet = bullet.sub_bullet("Verb");
    // ...
    bullet = bullet.sub_bullet("Another verb");
    // ...
    let timer = bullet.start_timer("Printing dots in the background");
    // ...
    bullet = timer.done();


Bullet stream works with anything that is Write + Send + Sync + 'static, but most people will use std::io::Stdout or std::io::Stderr. If you know a specific type you want to output to, you can simplify your method definitions.

For example:

use bullet_stream::{
    state::{Bullet, SubBullet},
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::io::Stderr;

fn install_ruby(
    mut output: Print<Bullet<Stderr>>,
    path: &Path,
) -> Result<Print<SubBullet<Stderr>>, std::io::Error>

If that's still too much typing for you, you can simplify more with type aliases:

use bullet_stream::{Print, state};
use std::io::Stderr;
use std::path::Path;

pub(crate) type Header = Print<state::Header<Stderr>>;
pub(crate) type Bullet = Print<state::Bullet<Stderr>>;
pub(crate) type SubBullet = Print<state::SubBullet<Stderr>>;

fn install_ruby(
    mut output: Bullet,
    path: &Path,
) -> Result<SubBullet, std::io::Error>

note Why stderr and not stdout? Bullet point text is for is for humans and so is stderr! Use stdout for output that can be read by people AND you want piped to another command.

Push logic down, bubble information (to output) up

Any state you send to a function must be retrieved. There are examples in:

In general, we recommend pushing business logic down into functions. Rather than threading the logging state throughout every possible function, rely on functions to bubble up information to log. For example, this code reads version information from a file and logs it, while the logic function install_ruby_version does not need direct access to print any output:

// Example of bubbling up information to the logger
// βœ…πŸ˜Έβœ…
use bullet_stream::{Print, style};

/// Smaller signature
fn install_ruby_version(version: impl AsRef<str>) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
    // ...

let mut output = Print::global().h2("Example Buildpack");

// Bubble up data
let version = std::fs::read_to_string(std::path::Path::new("/dev/null"))

// Output data
let timer = output.bullet(format!("Ruby version {}", style::value(&version)))

// Call logic

output = timer.done()

Here's the same general code, but using a function that accepts a print struct as it's input and then returns it via a tuple when it's done:

// Example of logging by passing state into a function, requires a large signature
// ❌😾❌

use bullet_stream::{
    state::{Bullet, SubBullet},
    Print, style
use std::io::Stderr;
use std::path::Path;

/// Large function signature, it works but might not always be needed
fn install_ruby(
    mut output: Print<Bullet<Stderr>>,
    path: &Path,
) -> Result<(Print<SubBullet<Stderr>>, String), std::io::Error>
    let version = std::fs::read_to_string(path)?

    let timer = output.bullet(format!("Ruby version {}", style::value(&version)))

    // ...
    Ok((timer.done(), version))

let mut output = Print::new(std::io::stderr()).h2("Example Buildpack");

let (bullet, version) = install_ruby(output, &Path::new("/dev/null"))
output = bullet.done();

In the above example, the install_ruby function both performs logic and logs information, resulting in a very large function signature. Both styles achieve the same outcome, so it's ultimately your preference. It's not bad if you want to pass your output around to functions, but it is cumbersome.

For some operations like streaming the output of a std::process::Command

Async support

Status: Experimental/WIP; if you've got a better suggestion, let us know.

Because the logger is stateful, consuming logging from within an async or parallel execution context is tricky. We recommend using the same pattern as above to bubble up information that can be logged between synchronization points in the program.

For example, here's some hand-rolled output from code that uses async:

## Distribution Info

- Name: ubuntu
- Version: 22.04
- Codename: jammy
- Architecture: amd64

## Creating package index

  [GET] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy-updates/InRelease
  [CACHED] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy/InRelease
  [GET] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy-security/InRelease
  [CACHED] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy/universe/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA256/9939f6554c5cbea6607e3886634d7e393d8b0364ae0a43c2549d7191840c66c1
  [CACHED] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy/main/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA256/712ee19b50fa5a5963b82b8dd00438f59ef1f088db8e3e042f4306d2b7c89c69
  [GET] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy-updates/main/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA256/9be23783bb2295aedcb02760ffaa8980c58573d0318ec67f2f409b8f3d2f27bb
  [GET] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy-updates/universe/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA256/c6a66ee7fb32ca0f0662b0b1b2a2f58ab18a10b749a8dcc61a9fc7d0fde17754
  [CACHED] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy-security/universe/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA256/86e543e7b5cccc2537a4f6451f7f9c0cd459803cf4403beca71a459848dd9a0f
  [GET] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy-security/main/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA256/9943ee3b3104b37d0ee219fae65f261d0c61c96bb3978fe92e6573c9dcd88862

In this example, the get and cached lines are logged within an async context. Here's an example of a refactor that could use the bullet stream library:

# Heroku Debian Packages Buildpack (v0.0.1)

- Package index sources
  - `http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy/InRelease`
  - `http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy-updates/InRelease`
  - `http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy-security/InRelease`
  - Downloading ...................................... (Done 35s)
- Downloaded indexes
  - `http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy/universe/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA256/9939f6554c5cbea6607e3886634d7e393d8b0364ae0a43c2549d7191840c66c1`
  - `http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy/main/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA256/712ee19b50fa5a5963b82b8dd00438f59ef1f088db8e3e042f4306d2b7c89c69`
  - `http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy-updates/main/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA256/9be23783bb2295aedcb02760ffaa8980c58573d0318ec67f2f409b8f3d2f27bb`
  - `http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy-updates/universe/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA256/c6a66ee7fb32ca0f0662b0b1b2a2f58ab18a10b749a8dcc61a9fc7d0fde17754`
  - `http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy-security/universe/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA256/86e543e7b5cccc2537a4f6451f7f9c0cd459803cf4403beca71a459848dd9a0f`
  - `http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy-security/main/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA2569943ee3b3104b37d0ee219fae65f261d0c61c96bb3978fe92e6573c9dcd88862`
  - Processing ..... (Done 4s)

In this example, the output states what it's going to do by listing the package source locations. After it downloads them, there's a synchronization point before it has enough information to output which archives were downloaded and their SHAs and begin processing them (again asynchronously).

Alternatively, you could wrap a SubBullet state struct in an Arc and try passing it around, or use bullet_stream for top-level printing. Printing inside an async context could happen via println.


~54K SLoC