#build-system #future #monorepo #pass #early #pants #pantsbuild

deprecated build boxfuture

Utilities to make Futures easier to pass around, by boxing without having to wrap calls in Box::new(), and early returning them

1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.0.1 Jul 12, 2018

#48 in #early



Pants Build System

Pants is a scalable build system for monorepos: codebases containing multiple projects, often using multiple programming languages and frameworks, in a single unified code repository.

Some noteworthy features include:

  • Explicit dependency modeling.
  • Fine-grained invalidation.
  • Shared result caching.
  • Concurrent execution.
  • Remote execution.
  • Unified interface for multiple tools and languages.
  • Extensibility and customizability via a plugin API.

Documentation: www.pantsbuild.org.

Getting started

See the getting started documentation.


Linux ARM64 CI resources provided by Works on ARM.

macOS CI resources provided by MacStadium.

