1 stable release

1.0.0 Aug 24, 2024

#19 in #bookmarks


305 lines

Bookmark Exporter

coverage Crates.io Docs.rs

This is a basic CLI bookmark exporter tool.

Currently the following browsers are supported:

Browser Argument Description
Firefox --firefox Firefox uses a SQLite database so the browser must be closed to do the export.
Chrome --chrome Chrome uses a JSON file and the export can be run with the browser open. You may
still want to close it if you have recently added bookmarks.

The tool has been tested on:

  • macOS

If you want additional functionality, please add it and make a pull request.


The tool dumps bookmark information to stdout in line pairs; title followed by URL. You can format the output as you wish. To format as markdown links, for example, you could do:

bookmark-exporter --chrome --firefox | tr -d "\"'" | gxargs -d '\n' -L2 printf "[%s](%s)\n" \"$0\" \"$1\"

On a Mac this assumes you have installed the GNU version of xargs, gxargs with brew install findutils.


~456K SLoC