#tile #bevy #2d-3d #region #mesh #level #system


A procedural-mesh building system for bevy

13 releases

0.14.16 Aug 26, 2024
0.14.15 Aug 26, 2024

#257 in Game dev

Download history 732/week @ 2024-08-19 500/week @ 2024-08-26 31/week @ 2024-09-02

1,263 downloads per month
Used in spirit_edit_core

MIT license


Bevy Clay Tiles

Paint tiles and walls within a constrained+layered 2D grid system and they are extruded to 3D meshes for 3D games. This is meant to be useful for blocking out levels.

(Inspired by DreamerTalin)


cargo add bevy_clay_tiles



Run example

cargo run --example basic


In the tile_types config, for each 'tile type' you can set:

  1. the texture index used for diffuse texture
  2. texture UV expansion factor (stretch material)
  3. color tint of the diffuse texture


When creating the clay tiles, you can use either a Rectangle paint mode or a Polygon paint mode, similar to the Rectangle or Polygon select tools in typical photo editor softwares.

The edit mode allows you to control:

  1. the Y height offset of created tiles
  2. the height scale that new tiles will be extruded up to
  3. the tile type index (see the Config section and tile_types.ron)
  4. the default parent entity for the tile meshes when created

Tile Materials

When clay tiles blocks spawn, they will not have a material on them, only a component ClayTileMaterial { material_name: String }. Therefore it is your responsibility to replace the component with your own material handle. The example use the BevyMaterialTool to help with this but you can just insert a Handle if you wish.

fn add_material_handles(
  mut commands:Commands, 
  block_query: Query<(Entity, &ClayTileMaterial), Added<ClayTileMaterial>>

  for (tile_entity, tile_material_comp) in block_query.iter(){

      let material_name = &tile_material_comp.material_name;  

      commands.get_entity(tile_entity).map( |mut cmd| { 
        cmd.insert( MaterialOverrideComponent {
          material_override:  material_name.clone()
         }  );
       } );




~1.5M SLoC