Cargo Features

axoasset = { version = "1.0.0", default-features = false, features = ["toml-serde", "json-serde", "toml-edit", "remote", "tls-native-roots", "compression", "compression-tar", "compression-zip"] }
default = remote

Default enable remote support

toml-serde = serde, toml

Enable SourceFile support for deserializing using the "toml" crate

json-serde = serde, serde_json

Enable SourceFile support for deserializing using the "serde_json" crate

toml-edit = toml_edit

Enable SourceFile support for deserializing using the "toml_edit" crate

remote default = image, reqwest

Enable reqwest-based http file fetching

Affects axoasset::remote


On the off-chance native tls roots cause a problem, they can be opted out of by only using remote-min

Enables rustls-tls-native-roots of reqwest

compression = compression-tar, compression-zip

Enable support for reading and writing zips and tarballs

compression-tar compression? = flate2, tar, xz2, zstd

Enable support for reading and writing tarballs

compression-zip compression? = zip

Enable support for reading and writing zips

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

image remote
reqwest remote tls-native-roots?
toml toml-serde?
serde_json json-serde?
serde json-serde? toml-serde?
tar compression-tar?
zip compression-zip?

Enables zip ^0.6.4

flate2 compression-tar?
xz2 compression-tar?
zstd compression-tar?
toml_edit toml-edit?