14 unstable releases (4 breaking)

0.5.0 Jul 26, 2019
0.4.3 Feb 28, 2019
0.3.0 Oct 17, 2018
0.2.5 Sep 26, 2018
0.1.1 Sep 20, 2018

#494 in Testing

36 downloads per month

MPL-2.0 license

398 lines


crates.io version Build Status npm version

audit-filter takes the output of npm audit --json and an nsp rc config file without comments and filters out advisories according to the nsp offline exceptions format (see usage for an example).

This provides a migration path from nsp check to npm audit and lets projects to use npm audit in CI pipelines without masking all advisories (e.g. with npm audit || true).



  • node 8.x or 10.x
  • npm@6 (for --json support and newer package-lock.json format)

Local NPM package

  1. Run npm install --save-dev audit-filter to add it as a dev dependency

  2. Require an npm version with npm audit support in package.json e.g.

  "engines": {
    "node": ">=8",
    "npm": ">=6.4.1"
  1. Add an empty exceptions file named .nsprc:
  "exceptions": [
  1. Optionally, add an npm script command:
  "scripts": {
    "lint:deps": "npm audit --json | audit-filter --nsp-config=.nsprc --audit=-"
  "devDependencies": {
    "audit-filter": "0.3.0"

and test it with: npm run lint:deps or npm run-script lint:deps

  1. Optionally, set "The minimum level of vulnerability for npm audit to exit with a non-zero exit with npm config audit level ('low', 'moderate', 'high', 'critical')

Global NPM package

npm install -g audit-filter


cargo install audit-filter


Note: all commands run from the project root

$ audit-filter -h
audit-filter filters the output of "npm audit --json"

  audit-filter [--json] [--audit=<->] [--nsp-config=<.nsprc>]
  audit-filter (-h | --help | --version)

  -h --help                       Show this screen.
  --version                       Show version.
  --json                          Output subset of JSON for the unfiltered advisories as an array.
  --audit=<audit>                 NPM Audit JSON file [default: -].
  --nsp-config=<config>           Default filter config [default: .nsprc].
$ cd audit-filter/example/
$ cat package.json
  "dependencies": {
    "moment": "2.19.2",
    "restify": "7.0.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "audit-filter": "0.3.0",
    "lodash": "^4.0.0"
  "engines": {
    "node": ">=8",
    "npm": ">=6.4.1"
  "scripts": {
    "lint:deps": "npm audit --json | audit-filter --nsp-config=.nsprc --audit=-"
$ npm --version
$ npm audit
[90m                                                                                [39m
[90m [39m                      === npm audit security report ===                       [90m [39m
[90m                                                                                [39m
# Run  npm install moment@2.24.0  to resolve 1 vulnerability
[90m│[39m Low           [90m│[39m Regular Expression Denial of Service                         [90m│[39m
[90m│[39m Package       [90m│[39m moment                                                       [90m│[39m
[90m│[39m Dependency of [90m│[39m moment                                                       [90m│[39m
[90m│[39m Path          [90m│[39m moment                                                       [90m│[39m
[90m│[39m More info     [90m│[39m https://npmjs.com/advisories/532                             [90m│[39m

# Run  npm install --save-dev lodash@4.17.11  to resolve 1 vulnerability
[90m│[39m Low           [90m│[39m Prototype Pollution                                          [90m│[39m
[90m│[39m Package       [90m│[39m lodash                                                       [90m│[39m
[90m│[39m Dependency of [90m│[39m lodash [dev]                                                 [90m│[39m
[90m│[39m Path          [90m│[39m lodash                                                       [90m│[39m
[90m│[39m More info     [90m│[39m https://npmjs.com/advisories/577                             [90m│[39m

# Run  npm update moment --depth 3  to resolve 1 vulnerability
[90m│[39m Low           [90m│[39m Regular Expression Denial of Service                         [90m│[39m
[90m│[39m Package       [90m│[39m moment                                                       [90m│[39m
[90m│[39m Dependency of [90m│[39m restify                                                      [90m│[39m
[90m│[39m Path          [90m│[39m restify > bunyan > moment                                    [90m│[39m
[90m│[39m More info     [90m│[39m https://npmjs.com/advisories/532                             [90m│[39m

found 3 low severity vulnerabilities in 137 scanned packages
  run `npm audit fix` to fix 3 of them.
$ echo $?
$ cat .nsprc
  "exceptions": [
$ npm audit --json | audit-filter
No advisories found after filtering.
$ echo $?
$ # Alternatively specify audit and config file paths (note: errors print to stderr)
$ cd .. && audit-filter --nsp-config tests/fixtures/screenshots-0191b17d3bac5de51efa7acbaa0d52bb26c91573-nsprc.json --audit tests/fixtures/screenshots-0191b17d3bac5de51efa7acbaa0d52bb26c91573-npm-6.4.1-audit.json
Unfiltered advisories:
$ echo $?
$ # use --json for JSON output
$ audit-filter --json --nsp-config tests/fixtures/screenshots-0191b17d3bac5de51efa7acbaa0d52bb26c91573-nsprc.json --audit tests/fixtures/screenshots-0191b17d3bac5de51efa7acbaa0d52bb26c91573-npm-6.4.1-audit.json
    "findings": [
        "version": "2.0.10",
        "paths": [
        "dev": true,
        "optional": false,
        "bundled": false
    "id": 118,
    "title": "Regular Expression Denial of Service",
    "module_name": "minimatch",
    "overview": "Affected versions of `minimatch` are vulnerable to regular expression denial of service attacks when user input is passed into the `pattern` argument of `minimatch(path, pattern)`.\n\n\n## Proof of Concept\n```\nvar minimatch = require(“minimatch”);\n\n// utility function for generating long strings\nvar genstr = function (len, chr) {\n  var result = “”;\n  for (i=0; i<=len; i++) {\n    result = result + chr;\n  }\n  return result;\n}\n\nvar exploit = “[!” + genstr(1000000, “\\\\”) + “A”;\n\n// minimatch exploit.\nconsole.log(“starting minimatch”);\nminimatch(“foo”, exploit);\nconsole.log(“finishing minimatch”);\n```",
    "recommendation": "Update to version 3.0.2 or later.",
    "severity": "high",
    "url": "https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/118"
    "findings": [
        "version": "2.2.0",
        "paths": [
        "dev": true,
        "optional": false,
        "bundled": false
    "id": 534,
    "title": "Regular Expression Denial of Service",
    "module_name": "debug",
    "overview": "Affected versions of `debug` are vulnerable to regular expression denial of service when untrusted user input is passed into the `o` formatter. \n\nAs it takes 50,000 characters to block the event loop for 2 seconds, this issue is a low severity issue.",
    "recommendation": "Version 2.x.x: Update to version 2.6.9 or later.\nVersion 3.x.x: Update to version 3.1.0 or later.\n",
    "severity": "low",
    "url": "https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/534"
    "findings": [
        "version": "0.4.7",
        "paths": [
        "dev": false,
        "optional": false,
        "bundled": false
    "id": 681,
    "title": "Arbitrary File Write via Archive Extraction",
    "module_name": "adm-zip",
    "overview": "Versions of `adm-zip` before 0.4.9 are vulnerable to arbitrary file write when used to extract a specifically crafted archive that contains path traversal filenames (`../../file.txt` for example).",
    "recommendation": "Update to version 0.4.9 or later.",
    "severity": "high",
    "url": "https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/681"

Fixing comments in .nsprc files

$ cat tests/fixtures/screenshots-0191b17d3bac5de51efa7acbaa0d52bb26c91573-nsprc-comment.json
  // See https://github.com/mozilla-services/screenshots/issues/4397
  "exceptions": [
$ audit-filter --nsp-config tests/fixtures/screenshots-0191b17d3bac5de51efa7acbaa0d52bb26c91573-nsprc-comment.json --audit tests/fixtures/screenshots-0191b17d3bac5de51efa7acbaa0d52bb26c91573-npm-6.4.1-audit.json
Error parsing nsp config JSON: key must be a string at line 2 column 3
$ echo $?
$ cat tests/fixtures/screenshots-0191b17d3bac5de51efa7acbaa0d52bb26c91573-nsprc-comment.json | sed "s|// .*||g" | python -m json.tool
    "exceptions": [
$ # alternatively convert comments into valid JSON e.g.
  "comment": "See https://github.com/mozilla-services/screenshots/issues/4397",
  "exceptions": [

Exit Codes

  • 0 - No advisories or all advisories acked from filters
  • 1 - New failures one or more unacked advisory. Rerun npm audit to see the errors.
  • 2 - Error finding or parsing config files or audit JSON.

Other errors

NB: error messages will differ for audit-filter installed with NPM

Enumerated here for completeness. These all exit with code 2.

Error opening audit file

$ audit-filter --nsp-config tests/fixtures/screenshots-0191b17d3bac5de51efa7acbaa0d52bb26c91573-nsprc.json --audit no-file
Error opening audit JSON no-file: No such file or directory (os error 2)

Error parsing audit from stdin

$ echo "this is not JSON" | audit-filter --nsp-config tests/fixtures/screenshots-0191b17d3bac5de51efa7acbaa0d52bb26c91573-nsprc.json --audit -
Error parsing audit JSON from stdin: expected ident at line 1 column 2

Error parsing audit from file

$ echo "this is not JSON" > not_json.txt
$ audit-filter --nsp-config tests/fixtures/screenshots-0191b17d3bac5de51efa7acbaa0d52bb26c91573-nsprc.json --audit not_json.txt
Error parsing audit JSON: expected ident at line 1 column 2

Error opening nsp config file

$ audit-filter --nsp-config no-file --audit tests/fixtures/screenshots-0191b17d3bac5de51efa7acbaa0d52bb26c91573-npm-6.4.1-audit.json
Error opening nsp config JSON no-file: No such file or directory (os error 2)

Error parsing nsp config from stdin

$ echo "this is not JSON" | audit-filter --nsp-config - --audit tests/fixtures/screenshots-0191b17d3bac5de51efa7acbaa0d52bb26c91573-npm-6.4.1-audit.json
Error parsing nsp config JSON from stdin: expected ident at line 1 column 2

Error parsing nsp config from file

$ echo "this is not JSON" > not_json.txt
$ audit-filter --nsp-config not_json.txt --audit tests/fixtures/screenshots-0191b17d3bac5de51efa7acbaa0d52bb26c91573-npm-6.4.1-audit.json
Error parsing nsp config JSON: expected ident at line 1 column 2


To build a static executable:

$ rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
$ cargo build --release --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
$ ls -lh ./target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/audit-filter
-rwxrwxr-x 2 gguthe gguthe 7.0M Sep 20 13:09 ./target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/audit-filter
$ ldd ./target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/audit-filter
        not a dynamic executable


  • @agwells


~112K SLoC