1 unstable release
0.1.0 | Apr 7, 2020 |
#1342 in Game dev
459 lines
Amethyst-lyon provides integration for the lyon crate within the Amethyst game engine.
Lyon is a path tessellation library written in rust for GPU-based 2D graphics rendering. This crate add vector graphics to the Amethyst game engine.
This crate provides an amethyst RenderPlugin
(available since amethyst 0.12) which properly renders Meshes generated
by the lyon
A minimal example is available at examples/basic/main.rs
cargo run --example basic --features amethyst/metal
Lyon turns complex paths into triangle meshes that can be renderered by the GPU. Lyon is independent of a specifc renderer and corrdinate system, however, this crate is not. In particular, amethyst-lyon
works in screen-space, which is additionally scaled to handle screen HiDPI.
translates (tesellates) paths into sets of 2D vertices and indexes, which are represented by as a Mesh
in amethyst-lyon
pub type IndexType = u16;
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct VertexType {
pub position: [f32; 2],
pub colour: [f32; 4],
/// Component for the triangles we wish to draw to the screen
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Mesh {
pub vertices: Vec<VertexType>,
pub indices: Vec<IndexType>,
A Mesh
is a component type and thus can be associated with an entity. By default all mesh components are rendered, but this can be controlled with the use of ActiveMesh
pub struct ActiveMesh {
pub entity: Option<Entity>,
If ActiveMesh
is None
, its default state, then all meshes are rendered, and if it is Some(entity)
, then just the mesh associated with entity
is rendered. This provides flexibility of generating lots of independent meshes, but with the additional cost of multiple draw calls, one for each meshes, compared with a single draw call for a single mesh. Provides the ability for debug meshes and so on.
This crate currently requires including the amethyst crate; this may introduce a full recompilation of amethyst due to differing features. If this is the case, you'll need to clone this git repository and and set the appropriate features.
This create uses the amethyst shader-compiler
, which relies on shaderc
to compile its shaders at build time. Finally, this crate exposes the same rendering features as amethyst, and will pass them along to amethyst.
Example Cargo.toml Usage:
amethyst-lyon = "not-yet"
fn main() -> amethyst::Result<()> {
let app_root = application_root_dir()?;
let display_config_path = app_root.join("examples/config/display.ron");
let assets_dir = app_root.join("examples/assets/");
let game_data = GameDataBuilder::default()
.with_clear([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]),
let mut game = Application::new(assets_dir, BasicUsageState::default(), game_data)?;
To create a mesh with a simple triangle using Lyon (for details of how Lyon works, see the documentation.):
// create a path builder and add a triangle
let mut builder = Path::builder();
builder.move_to(point(100., 350.));
builder.line_to(point(150. , 350.));
builder.line_to(point(155. , 250. ));
builder.line_to(point(100. , 350.));
let path = builder.build();
// allocate buffers and tessellate path
let mut geometry: VertexBuffers<VertexType, u16> = VertexBuffers::new();
let mut tessellator_fill = FillTessellator::new();
&mut BuffersBuilder::new(&mut geometry, |pos: Point, _: FillAttributes| {
VertexType {
position: pos.to_array(),
colour: [0., 1., 0., 1.],
// crate renderable mesh
let mesh = Mesh {
vertices: geometry.vertices,
indices: geometry.indices,
// add to world
The examples/assets/font/square.ttf
font is from Amethyst crate.
Licensed under any of
Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
Mozilla Public License 2.0
at your option.
Dual MIT/Apache2 is strictly more permissive.
~884K SLoC