Cargo Features

all-is-cubes = { version = "0.7.1", default-features = false, features = ["std", "arbitrary", "save", "rerun", "threads"] }

See src/ documentation for more details on features.

default = std

The std feature is set by default whenever all-is-cubes is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default rerun? threads?

Adds std-dependent functionality such as thread safety.

Enables once_cell, std of arcstr, sync of yield-progress

Affects chunking::reset_chunk_chart_cache, util::assert_conditional_send_sync


Adds impl arbitrary::Arbitrary for ... Note: Not using euclid/arbitrary because it's broken

Enables arbitrary, arbitrary of ordered-float


Adds serde implementations.

Enables flate2, extern_crate_std of bytemuck, serde of ordered-float and base64 ^0.21.0

used in serialization

and serde and serde_repr


rc feature needed because we are [de]serializing Arcs alloc feature needed for #[serde(flatten)] —

Affects uref::URefErased.fix_deserialized

rerun = std

Adds rerun logging support

Enables re_log_types ^0.12.0, re_sdk ^0.12.0, and re_types ^0.12.0


re_sdk is a data-logging and visualization tool; we are currently using it _only_ for development of All is Cubes itself.

Affects all-is-cubes::rerun_glue

threads = std

Adds automatic parallelism to some algorithms. If disabled, std::thread is never used.

Enables rayon