
  1. block2

    Apple's C language extension of blocks

    v0.5.0 207K #objective-c #blocks #block #ios #macos-ios #api-bindings #macos
  2. unicode-blocks

    contains a list of all unicode blocks and provides some functions to search across them

    v0.1.9 9.1K #unicode-characters #unicode #blocks #character #cjk #block
  3. routecore

    Building Blocks for BGP Routing

    v0.4.0 600 #routing #bgp #blocks #building-block #bgp-routing #time #data
  4. TSPL

    The Simplest Parser Library

    v0.0.11 1.1K #tspl #parser #cursor #functional #simplest #monadic #string #blocks
  5. ld-memory

    Helper crate to programmatically create GNU ld MEMORY blocks

    v0.2.9 900 #memory #offset #blocks #limit #ld #programmatically #gnu
  6. goboscript

    Scratch compiler

    v1.0.0 200 #scratch #compiler #programming-language #projects #blocks #variables #lists
  7. all-is-cubes

    Recursive voxel game engine. Can be used for voxel raytracing.

    v0.7.1 #space #blocks #voxel #voxel-game #cube #recursion #ray-tracing
  8. block-sys

    Raw bindings to Apple's C language extension of blocks

    v0.2.1 196K #blocks #objective-c #ios #macos-ios #block #sys #macos
  9. block

    Rust interface for Apple's C language extension of blocks

    v0.1.6 382K #blocks #objective-c #osx #ios
  10. blockset

    command line tool

    v0.5.1 #command-line-tool #hash #tree-hash #blocks #universal #retrieve #data-block
  11. rustblocks

    tetromino based falling blocks game

    v0.3.3 #blocks #terminal-game #block #games-and-entertainment #game #games #cli
  12. cargo-unfmt

    unformat code into perfect rectangles

    v0.3.4 440 #rectangle #perfect #unformat #blocks #pin #return #coroutine
  13. bjorn-acme

    Building blocks for an ACME server

    v0.6.1 #acme #ca #server #blocks #building-block #url
  14. onchg

    Keep blocks in sync across different files in your codebase

    v0.1.6 #blocks #across #root-path #codebase #different #sync #keep
  15. coarse-prof

    Tiny library for coarse-grained hierarchical profiling

    v0.2.6 #profiling #instrumentation #game #frame #hierarchical #optimization #blocks
  16. mdsh

    Markdown shell pre-processor

    v0.7.0 #markdown #shell #command #pre-processor #file #automate #blocks
  17. dtn7-plus

    Additional helpers for rust dtn daemon

    v0.7.2 180 #dtn #peer2peer #helper #canonical #blocks #daemon #dtn7
  18. superdiff

    Search your codebase for similar blocks

    v2.2.0 #duplicates #blocks #duplicate-finding #json #multi-threading #reporting #code-analysis
  19. mintkv

    kv library based on btree

    v0.1.0 150 #b-tree #kv #learning #meta #blocks #database #tombstone
  20. pmcore

    building blocks needed to create new Non-Parametric algorithms and its integration with Pmetrics

    v0.1.6 100 #population #integration #modeling #blocks #create #non-parametric #pharmacokinetic
  21. brug

    enum command generation for implementation blocks

    v0.2.2 #rpc #enums #generation #blocks #calls #command #bridge
  22. npcore

    building blocks needed to create new Non-Parametric algorithms and its integration with Pmetrics

    v0.1.3 #population #integration #blocks #create #non-parametric #tui #pmetrics
  23. grounded

    A toolkit for managing unsafe statics

    v0.2.0 #static #unsafe #abstraction #sound #blocks #safe-abstraction #behavior
  24. bedblocks

    Split a BED file into blocks

    v0.1.0 130 #blocks #bed #split #file #distance #length #input
  25. tangler

    Extracts code blocks from Markdown documents

    v0.2.0 #markdown #documents #extracting #blocks #fragment #tangles
  26. byte-tools

    Bytes related utility functions

    v0.3.1 443K #byte #binary-data #data-processing #fixed-size #buffer #utility #blocks
  27. pic

    Preview Image in CLI

    v0.1.4 #image #preview #load-image #sixel #protocols #gif #blocks
  28. contigious-tree

    Write and read tree graphs to and from contigious blocks of memory

    v0.1.2 #tree #graph #memory #read-write #serialization #node #blocks
  29. bgp-models

    Structs and other building blocks for BGP and MRT related Rust projects

    v0.9.1 210 #bgp #mrt #rfc #blocks #projects #data #structures
  30. mdbook-curly-quotes

    mdBook preprocessor that replaces straight quotes with curlyquotes, except within code blocks or code spans

    v0.4.27 #mdbook #quote #markdown #replace #curly #blocks #spans
  31. option-block

    A minimal utility Rust crate for small, fixed-size blocks of optional types

    v0.3.0 300 #optional #fixed-size #memory #array #data #blocks #data-structures
  32. draw_state

    Graphics state blocks for gfx-rs

    v0.8.0 9.3K #graphics #state #gamedev #blocks #gfx-rs
  33. bitbottle

    a modern archive file format

    v0.9.1 #archive-format #file-format #format-file #file-metadata #blocks #key #byte
  34. textblocks

    working with text blocks

    v0.1.1 #line #delimiter #blocks #parser #string #text-parser #line-ending
  35. rs-blocks

    A lightweight i3/sway status bar written in Rust

    v1.0.0 #status-bar #window-manager #sway #i3 #blocks #monitor #block
  36. all-is-cubes-content

    Demo/default game content for the all-is-cubes engine

    v0.7.0 #content #cubes #procedural-generation #blocks #all-is-cubes #demo #engine
  37. context-allocator

    v0.2.3 #allocator #bump-allocator #memory-allocator #bit-set #thread-local #memory-management #blocks
  38. dxr_server

    Declarative XML-RPC (server implementation)

    v0.6.2 #xml-rpc #axum #dxr #declarative #server #blocks #complete
  39. p4d-mdproof

    Markdown to PDF converter

    v0.1.2 #pdf #markdown #command-line #executable #converter #blocks #lists
  40. n5gest

    CLI utilities for N5 files

    v0.4.0 #n5 #dataset #tensor #utilities #data #blocks #export
  41. rangle

    An Org-Tangle alternative

    v0.1.0 #org-mode #blocks #org-tangle #utility #reliable #extracting #tool
  42. beetle-bitswap-next

    bitswap protocol

    v0.5.1 #ipfs #peer #protocols #bitswap #networking #data #blocks
  43. gelatyx

    Format code blocks inside the docs

    v0.3.0 #formatter #documentation #cli #blocks #language #format #format-file
  44. indented-blocks

    parser for indented blocks

    v0.6.0 #blocks #indented #parser
  45. abar

    An interface for creating dynamic, "blocks"-style status strings

    v0.6.2 #status-bar #string #blocks #dynamic #interface #style #bars
  46. bitcoin_slices

    Parse Bitcoin objects without allocations

    v0.8.0 1.8K #slice #bitcoin #parse #transaction #blocks #block #parser
  47. solana-block-cacher

    Solana Block Cacher is a high-performance, command-line interface (CLI) tool built in Rust. It is designed to efficiently pull blocks from the Solana blockchain, respecting the specified rate limits…

    v1.0.10 #rate-limiting #blocks #block #solana #cache #cli-tool #command-line-interface
  48. zebra-chain

    Core Zcash data structures

    v1.0.0-beta.36 290 #transaction #zebra #zcash #blocks #generate #upgrade #consensus
  49. zebra-node-services

    The interfaces of some Zebra node services

    v1.0.0-beta.36 230 #zebra #zcash #service #transaction #blocks #json-rpc #zcashd
  50. doubter

    A helper crate for testing Rust code blocks in Markdown

    v0.1.0 #markdown #blocks #testing #execute #documentation #resolution #source
  51. sc-consensus-manual-seal

    Manual sealing engine for Substrate (polkadot v1.10.0)

    v0.39.0 900 #engine #manual #substrate #seal #blocks #polkadot #testing
  52. litto

    Building blocks for DSL scripting language interpreters that interact with native Rust code

    v0.1.0 #dsl #scripting #language #interpreters #native #blocks #lambda
  53. zebra-scan

    Shielded transaction scanner for the Zcash blockchain

    v0.1.0-alpha.5 200 #zebra #zcash #transaction #blocks #scanner #generate #create
  54. keebrs

    Keyboard firmware building blocks

    v0.3.0 #keyboard #traits #types #blocks #building #firmware #building-block
  55. kstd

    A kernel standard library for the martimos kernel

    v0.0.4 #kernel #standard #blocks #building-block #read #martimos #std
  56. nested-modules

    Building blocks for nested module systems

    v0.2.0 #module #nested #compiler #blocks #systems #path #root
  57. blocks_iterator

    Iterates Bitcoin blocks

    v1.0.4 500 #blocks #iterate #bitcoin #block
  58. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  59. stir

    Small Threaded Intermediate Representation

    v0.0.2 #llvm #ir #intermediate-representation #blocks #threaded #recipe #debugging
  60. accio

    Retrieves code blocks distributed to multiple sites

    v0.1.0 #blocks #multiple #place #path #sites #distributed #accio-emit
  61. mop-blocks

    Foundation blocks for MOP

    v0.5.0 #mop #optimization #blocks #foundation #solver #generic #construct
  62. voxel_chunk

    A voxel object module which allows you to have private Chunk objects with methods to modify their data

    v0.0.2 #voxel #blocks #arrays #array #block #data
  63. nucleus-rpc

    RPC to let the Nucleons of a Nucleus app communicate

    v0.1.1 #applications #blocks #rpc #framework #communication #modular #nucleus
  64. mca-cuboids

    merge blocks from mca files

    v0.2.0 #minecraft #mca #merge #blocks #cuboids #collisions #block-coordinates
  65. cryo_cli

    cryo is the easiest way to extract blockchain data to parquet, csv, or json

    v0.3.2 #blockchain #cryo #parquet #data #extract #csv #blocks
  66. md2src

    Markdown to source. Extracts code blocks marked with triple backticks into files.

    v1.1.0 #markdown #source #extract #triple #marked #blocks #cli
  67. ogcapi-drivers

    Driver traits and implementations

    v0.1.3 #driver #ogc #api #traits #building #implemented #blocks
  68. linera-sdk

    support developping Linera applications in Rust

    v0.10.1 350 #applications #linera #contract #service #state #traits #blocks
  69. slice-arena

    Store lots of tiny slices with low overhead, in contiguous blocks of memory

    v1.0.0 #arena #mempool #slice #memory #store #overhead #blocks
  70. god_mode

    A macro that replaces unsafe blocks with a friendlier name to not sound as bad

    v0.1.1 #replace #name #bad #unsafe #blocks #macro #friendlier
  71. universal-service

    that provides building blocks for creating service binaries across operating system platforms

    v0.1.0 400 #service #windows #platform #operating-system #across #blocks #binaries
  72. literate

    programming tool that extracts code written in your Markdown files

    v0.5.1 #literate-programming #extract #blocks #markdown #tool #language #file
  73. block_pool

    Object pool that blocks when waiting for an object

    v0.1.2 #object-pool #blocks #waiting
  74. unsafe-ref

    Allow raw pointer access without those pesky unsafe blocks everywhere!

    v1.0.0 #unsafe #pointers #access #blocks #everywhere #pesky #set
  75. try-blocks

    macro to emulate the upcoming try block feature on stable

    v0.1.4 #deprecated #try #blocks #stable #try-block #macro #feature
  76. groestlcoin_slices

    Parse Groestlcoin objects without allocations

    v0.7.0 #slice #parse #transaction #blocks #groestlcoin #block #parser
  77. easytiming

    easy timing functions, code blocks, etc

    v0.0.5 #timing #blocks #function
  78. mon-artist

    Render ASCII art to SVG, with user-customizable rendering rules

    v0.1.3 #render #svg #width #monospace #ascii #fixed #blocks
  79. clockwork-utils

    Tools for building blocks on Solana

    v2.0.19 150 #solana #clockwork #building #blocks #building-block
  80. trust_me_its_safe

    A macro that replaces unsafe blocks with a friendlier name to not sound as bad

    v0.1.0 #replace #blocks #bad #unsafe #name #macro #friendlier
  81. infotainer

    building blocks for simple pubsub services

    v0.0.1-alpha.1 #websocket #pub-sub #subscription #service #blocks #log #publication
  82. ckb-chain

    CKB Blockchain Service, Importing Blocks

    v0.116.0-rc2 550 #ckb #import #service #blocks #chain #blockchain #request
  83. pallas-applying

    Logic for validating and applying new blocks and txs to the chain state

    v0.25.0 650 #blocks #validating #logic #state #chain #applying #cardano
  84. tbb-sys

    Intel Threading Building Blocks

    v1.1.0+2021.5.0 190 #intel #threading #tbb #blocks #building #building-block
  85. cumulus-client-consensus-proposer

    A Substrate Proposer for building parachain blocks (polkadot v1.10.0)

    v0.11.0 1.5K #substrate #consensus #blocks #proposer #parachain #cumulus #consensus-algorithm
  86. eth-state-fold

    An Ethereum reader library

    v0.9.0 200 #ethereum #state #fold #blocks #blockchain #read #reader
  87. kindelia

    An efficient, secure cryptocomputer

    v0.1.7 #secure #cryptocomputer #host #blocks #join #computer #isn-t
  88. coreutils_module

    Small building blocks for modularized applications

    v0.5.1 #blocks #applications #modularized
  89. ansify


    v0.1.0 #image #turn #art #palette #ansi-style #blocks #pixel
  90. disarray-ledger

    services our hybrid multi-chain directly implementing several critical structures from blocks to chains and transactions

    v0.1.20 #scsys #async #blocks #transactions #hybrid #chains #multi-chain
  91. abcperf-generic-client

    Generic Cient Building Blocks for ABCperf

    v0.10.0 #generic #ab-cperf #blocks #building #building-block #cient
  92. etop-format

    contains functions for fomatting data into strings

    v0.1.1 #string #ethereum #data #blocks #transfer #formatting #transactions
  93. block_allocator

    Thread-safe, fixed-size allocator that serves re-usable blocks

    v0.2.2 #blocks #allocator #arena #thread-safe #alloc #sized #numbers
  94. instant-timer

    A CountDown implementation that never blocks

    v0.1.1 #embedded-hal-impl #embedded-hal #blocks #timer #count-down
  95. booldisplay

    A very small library to print out a 2D vector of bools as unicode blocks

    v0.1.0 #blocks #unicode #vector #2d #2d-vector #bools
  96. tt-num

    tt-macros for various numerical operations

    v0.1.0 #operations #macro #numerical #blocks #math #tt-call #tt-macros
  97. punda

    runtime for the BBC micro:bit, WIP

    v0.1.0 #micro-bit #bbc #run-time #programming #difference #javascript #blocks
  98. eth-state-client-lib

    An Ethereum reader library

    v0.9.0 110 #state #fold #blocks #ethereum #reader #subscribe #grpc
  99. rate-limit-macro

    Procedural macro that provides a simple way to rate-limit blocks of code

    v1.0.3 #rate-limiting #proc-macro #blocks #procedural #fallback
  100. strict_linking

    Requires extern "C" blocks to resolve to symbols during linking

    v0.1.4 #symbols #linker #link #extern #during #blocks #resolve
  101. code_builder

    A code builder for generating indented string code blocks

    v0.1.0 #builder #blocks #string #generating #indented #formatting
  102. dbkit-engine

    A columnar query execution engine

    v0.0.9 #query-engine #columnar #dbkit #query-execution #processing #blocks #build
  103. eth-state-server-lib

    An Ethereum reader library

    v0.9.0 170 #ethereum #blockchain #state #blocks #read #subscribe #historical

Search for: blocks block, …markdown, …building, …macro, …data, …string, …service, …create, …memory, …byte