Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

futures-lite is used at run time in 5,042 crates (of which 1,271 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 398 crates. It's used at build time in 34 crates (of which 19 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 811 crates (of which 67 directly).

Number of dependers futures-lite version Downloads/month
3,268 2.3.0 911K
1 2.2.0 772K
2,577 1.13.0 1.8M
1 1.12.0 199K
40 0.1.11 3.0K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) futures-lite version
2.8M 206 async-io ^2.0.0
1.5M 82 async-executor ^2.0.0
1.2M 53 async-process ^2.0.0
1.9M 62 blocking ^2.0.0
980K 52 async-global-executor ^2.0
730K 45 async-fs ^2.0.0
687K 112 http-types ^1.11.1
339K 50 async-net ^2.0.0
902K 1713 async-std optional ^1.0.0
256K 272 smol ^2.0.0
219K 125 isahc ^1.10.1
439K 10 prodash optional ^2.1.0
113K 5 smoldot ^2.3.0
113K 2 smoldot-light ^2.3.0
105K 27 async-h1 ^1.13.0
100K 20 futures-concurrency ^1.12.0
266K 4 gix-transport optional ^2.1.0
265K 2 gix-protocol optional ^2.1.0
253K 2 gix-packetline optional ^2.1.0
75K 2 accesskit_unix ^1.13
68K 1 atspi-connection ^2
65K 10 async-sse ^1.11.3
62K 33 bevy_tasks ^2.0.1
59K 60 bevy_asset ^2.0.1
58K 57 bevy_render ^2.0.1
52K 16 async-walkdir ^2.1.0
53K 35 async_zip ^2.1.0
42K 11 suppaftp ^2.0.0
64K 33 tiberius optional ^1.12.0
17K fixed_ring_buffer ^1.0
12K 1 apalis-sql ^2.3.0
8.1K 4 quic-rpc ^2.3.0
7.9K 10 signal-hook-async-std ~1
21K 29 fluvio-future optional ^1.11.2
6.7K 1 actix-web-prometheus ^1.12.0
6.7K 3 retty ^2.2.0
5.4K 5 iroh-io ^2.3
5.1K 1 iroh ^2.3
4.7K 3 flv-tls-proxy ^1.7.0
4.7K 3 stopper ^2.3.0
4.5K 1 celery ^1.12
4.3K 18 probe-rs ^2
4.3K 11 trillium-http ^2.1.0
4.2K 12 iroh-net ^2.3
3.6K bevy_wgpu ^1.4.0
3.6K 1 tokio-eventfd ^1.11
11K 1 oo7 optional ^2.1
3.4K 9 trillium-server-common ^2.1.0
2.6K 1 gnostr-core ^1
2.3K 1 nerum-core ^2.3
2.2K 5 trillium-testing ^2.1.0
2.1K 1 gnostr-bins ^2.3.0
2.1K 1 bevy_stl ^2.0.1
7.0K 3 crosstermion optional ^2.1.0
2.1K 5 trillium-client ^2.1.0
6.7K 16 hyprland optional ^2
1.9K 1 edge-executor ^1
5.4K 4 bao-tree optional ^2.3
1.5K 8 swayipc-async ^2
1.5K 2 async-ws ^1.12.0
1.5K 7 smol-macros ^2.0.1
1.4K 1 http-types-red-badger-temporary-fork ^1.11.1
1.3K 13 glommio ^1.12
1.3K 1 iroh-bytes ^2.3
1.2K 3 trillium-proxy ^2.1.0
1.2K 11 zng-task ^2.3
4.1K 4 bevy_embedded_assets optional ^2.0
1.2K 1 full-duplex-async-copy ^1.11.3
1.1K cargo-playdate ^2.3
1.1K 25 smolscale ^1.11.3
4.0K 3 asserhttp optional ^2.3
3.7K 12 expectrl optional ^1.12.0
950 2 iroh-blobs ^2.3
900 bevy_fluent ^2.2.0
3.2K 1 iroh-gossip optional ^2.3
850 13 nanorpc ^1.12.0
850 1 renderling ^1.13
800 2 async-tftp ^1.12.0
750 3 li-http-types ^1.11.1
750 1 nj-core ^1.7.0
650 bevy_mesh_terrain ^1.13.0
550 2 playdate-device ^2.3
550 tide-compress ^1.11
500 1 mediasoup ^1.12.0
500 hyperbee ^2.1.0
500 bevy_flurx ^2.3.0
500 enigmatick ^2.2
500 playdate-tool ^2.3
500 3 nex-socket ^2.3
450 savvy-cli ^2
450 iroh-cli ^2.3
440 stargazer ^2.3.0
430 iroh-dns-server ^2.3.0
420 sendme ^2.3.0
390 7 mlua-luau-scheduler ^2.2
390 nscan ^2.3
380 1 ntex-glommio ^2.2
380 8 trillium-smol ^2.1.0
360 open_launcher ^2.3.0
350 bevy_regions ^1.13.0
330 redlib ^2.2.0
320 bevy_mod_reqwest ^1.12.0
310 12 maelstrom-util ^2.1
300 3 trillium-websockets ^2.1.0
290 1 trillium-compression ^2.1.0
280 bevy_image_export ^2.1
280 1 aquatic_http ^1
270 tauri-plugin-theme-v1 ^1.13
250 wildbird ^1.13.0
230 2 bipe ^1.12.0
1.2K 3 web-push optional ^1.12
220 2 zenoh-flow ^1.12
220 1 fluvio-extension-common ^1.11
220 ethercrab ^2.0.0
1.1K 1 gitoxide optional ^2.1.0
200 tauri-plugin-theme ^2.0
200 1 crusty-core ~1.12.0
200 bevy_compute_buffers_helper ^1.13.0
190 bevy_foliage_paint ^1.13.0
180 aquatic_http_load_test ^1
180 1 aquatic_ws ^1
180 replicate-rs ^2.0.1
170 ipstack-geph ^2.3.0
160 async-gpiod ^2
160 psychophysics ^2.1.0
160 colink ^1.13
160 1 x11rb-async ^2.2
150 viz-smol ^2.3
150 1 bnr-xfs ^2.2.0
150 1 askar-storage ^2.0
150 ssql ^2.3.0
150 2 netscan ^2.3
140 1 iroh-pkarr-node-discovery ^2.3.0
950 1 gitoxide-core optional ^2.1.0
140 bevy-histrion-packer ^2.1
900 afpacket optional ^1.11
130 tauri-plugin-appearance ^2.0
130 async-dispatcher ^1
900 jcm optional ^2.2.0
130 2 talk-loco-client ^2.0.1
120 smoldot-full-node ^2.3.0
120 1 lol-async ^1.13.0
120 trillium-sse ^2.1.0
110 puteketeke ^2.0.1
110 1 trillium-static ^2.1.0
110 trillium-channels ^2.1.0
100 1 quinn_runtime_bevy ^1.0
100 laminarmq ^1.12.0
100 trillium-tls-common ^1.12.0
100 1 servlin ^1.12.0
100 devcaders ^1.11.3
100 1 trillium-html-rewriter ^1.13.0
bevy_poly_level ^1.11
bluest ^1.13.0
800 2 crabslab optional ^1.13
cnmevtumekktywbsvytfqzppxbvachyv ^2.3.0
1 async-vfs ^1.12.0
mmtc ^1.12.0
1 udp-socket ^1.11.3
pacmanager ^2.2.0
bevy-async-ecs ^2
750 crossmist optional ^2
3 tintanum ^1.13.0
1 async-ucx ^1.11
lamellar ^1.12.0
700 1 glycin-utils optional ^2.1.0
qfile ^1.12.0
1 task-exec-queue ^1.12
6 endbasic-std ^1.1
1 dmds ^2.3
1 callysto ^2.2
4 af-core ^1
1 mp4-stream ^1.12
voynich ^1.13.0
async-vfs-os ^1.12.0
bevy_app_compute ^1.13.0
gmf ^1.12.0
1 microsleep ^1.12.0
uair ^1.13.0
2 kwai_interactive_live ^1
trillium-acme ^2.2.0
1 hypercore-protocol ^1
1 turingdb ^1.11.2
1 connect ^1.11
1 termit ^1
2 runa-wayland-scanner ^1.12.0
tide-openidconnect ^1.11
appliance ^1.11.3
2 azalea-protocol ^2.3.0
spr ^1.12.0
1 super-process ^1
cerk_port_amqp ^1.11.2
futures-lite-byteorder ^2.2.0
bevy_webcam_facial ^1.13.0
1 fluvio-storage ^1.7.0
resourcepackd ^1.13.0
trillium-aws-lambda ^2.1.0
1 igcp ^1
2 rafx-assets ^1.3.0
1 picomux ^2.2.0
winit-runtime ^2.3.0
3 bones_utils ^1.13
1 fluvio-cluster ^1.11.0
3 sillad ^2.2.0
summa-publisher ^1.12.0
amqp-lapin-helper ^1.13.0
tophat ^1.11.3
vldpipe ^1.13.0
beatrice ^1.12.0
cerk_port_health_check_http ^1.11.2
1 raekna-ui ^1.12
amiya ^1
async-winit ^1.13.0
rabbit_borough ^1.12.0
azalea ^2.2.0
2 karma-p2p ^1.12.0
pg_wire ^1.11.3
async-osc ^1.11.3
axum-js-fetch ^1.13.0
callysto-avro ^2.2
trillium-http-types ^1.11.1
upwork-wlroots-bridge ^1.12.0
async-imap-lite ^0.1
async_ui_web ^1.13.0
curseforge ^1.12
karma-p2p-webrtc ^1.12.0
1 ouverture-core ^1.12.0
task-executor ^1.12
async-backplane ^0.1
async-tcp ^1.0
1 criner ^1.4.0
fasters ^1
fluvio-cli ^1.7.0
2 mogwai ^1.12.0
bevy_capture_media ^1.12
entangled ^1.11
4 runa-wayland-protocols ^1.12.0
bevy_kwai_interactive_live ^1
clwrap ^1.12.0
1 maquio ^1
millennium ^1.12
2 ratmom ^1.10.1
spawn_groups ^1.13.0
1 bones3_worldgen ^1.13.0
2 hyena ^1.12
karma-p2p-wasm ^1.12.0
4 runa-io ^1.11.0
yz-server-executor ^2.1
async-bulkhead ^1
async-scgi ^1.12
bevy_openai ^2.2.0
bma-jrpc ^1.12.0
coupe ^1
kapiti ^1.11
lucas-test ^1.12
mars ^1
ratman-client ^1.0
turingdb-server ^0.1.10
cargo-licensebundler ^1.12.0
1 edge-std-nal-async ^1
indigo ^0.1
1 pecs_http ^1.12
suss ^1
bevy_voxel_world ^2.0.0
futures-utils-lite ^1.12.0
oxidized-mdf ^1.11
simple_event_map ^0.1
3 tide-acme ^1.12.0
actix-jwt-session ^1.13.0
async-file-lock ^1.11.3
1 go-engine ^1.12.0
isahc-opendal-workaround ^1.10.1
marek_translate_locally ^1.12
mqtt-proto ^1.12.0
2 artwrap ^2.2
1 async-dns ^1.12.0
1 bevy_eventwork ^2.0.0
copernica-links ^1.11.3
easymq ^1.11.0
hash_events ^1.12.0
1 ohos-nj-core ^1.7.0
rdupes ^2.3.0
2 smolscale2 ^2.2.0
uwuhi-async ^2.3.0
async-read-length-limit ^1.13.0
bevy_async_system ^1.13.0
mahrs ^1
modrinth ^1
2 optd-datafusion-bridge ^2
smtp-dump ^1.12.0
trillium-send-file ^1.12.0
1 aral-runtime-async-std ^2.1.0
bevy_remote_asset ^1.12.0
imagesnap ^1.11
1 lite-async-test ^2.2.0
notification-server ^1.11
pet-monitor-app ^1.12
repeating_future ^1.12.0
seagulldoro ^1.11.3
async-buf ^1.12
async_ui_gtk ^1.12.0
1 bevy_networking_turbulence ^1.12
bones_matchmaker ^1.12
dwh ^1.12.0
local-ex ^1.12
1 async_ui_web_html ^1.13.0
bevyv_cas ^1.12
kwai_interactive_live_bevy_plugin ^1
1 render-to-texture ^2.3.0
3 spack-rs ^1
ssh-wrap ^1.13.0
2 async-handle ^1
1 bevy_vach_assets ^2.1.0
3 futuresdr ^1.13.0
2 kas-wgpu ^2.0
pop-launcher ^1
relabuf ^1.11.3
dbeel ^1.12.0
2 goscript-vm ^1.12.0
libreddit ^1.12.0
1 mogwai-dom ^1.12.0
2 runa-core ^1.12.0
1 streamlette ^1.12.0
weatherlink-tools ^2.2
async-hid ^1
bevy-firebase-firestore ^1.11.3
bevy_eventwork_mod_websockets ^2.0.0
kamazik ^2.2.0
omnibor-cli ^2.2.0
pax-pixels ^2.0
qMzsH385yLm2C7 ^2.3.0
rscpi ^2.2.0
smol-axum ^2.1.0
stream-fusion ^1
wm ^1.13.0
410 1 lightyear optional ^2.1.0
400 ironbar optional ^2.3.0
210 tracy_full optional ^2.0
200 avantis-utils optional ^1.12.0
190 escpos optional ^2.3.0
190 1 irox-safe-windows optional ^2.3
160 8 qiniu-http optional ^1.11.2
160 2 twitchchat optional ^1.8
150 1 bevy_entitiles optional ^2
140 wtx optional ^1.0
130 b2-client optional ^1.10.1
130 3 qiniu-credential optional ^1.12.0
110 2 unsend optional ^1.13.0
trillium-cli optional ^2.3.0
2 git-packetline optional ^1.12.0
4 async-mpd optional ^1.11
tdn-bevy optional ^2.2
2 git-transport optional ^1.12.0
5 go-vm optional ^1.12.0
rtv optional 2.2.*
5 async_main optional ^1.12
1 git-protocol optional ^1.12.0
agnostic_async_executor optional ^1.11
2 awaur optional ^1
ctrlgen optional ^1.12.0
1 darkfi-serial optional ^1.12.0
e-libscanner optional ^1.12.0
3 futures-x-io optional ^1.11
1 omnibor optional ^2.2.0
poseidon-client optional ^1.12.0
1 qiniu-etag optional ^1.12.0
swaynag optional ^1.11
unshield optional ^0.1
6.9M 106 event-listener dev ^2.0.0
3.5M 393 async-channel dev ^2
3.7M 126 async-lock dev ^2.0.0
3.1M 6 event-listener-strategy dev ^2.0.0
2.7M 727 wasm-bindgen-futures dev ^1.11.3
2.0M 49 async-task dev ^2.0.0
1.5M 5 piper dev ^2.0.0
707K 4 async-signal dev ^2.3.0
667K 38 async-broadcast dev ^1.11.3
195K 36 async-mutex dev ^1.0.0
107K 68 lapin dev ^2.0
76K 4 atspi dev ^2
68K 3 atspi-proxies dev ^2
63K 946 bevy dev ^2.0.1
62K 5 naga_oil dev ^1
59K 5 async-priority-channel dev ^2.1.0
41K 13 async-rwlock dev ^1.0.0
28K 33 smol-timeout dev ^1.8
22K 18 async-oneshot dev ^1
22K 4 futures-micro dev ^0.1
22K 12 boa_engine dev ^2.2.0
16K logind-zbus dev ^1.12.0
11K 9 futures-time dev ^1.12.0
9.8K 6 fixed-buffer dev ^1
9.6K 11 test-harness dev ^2.0.0
7.0K 7 trillium-macros dev ^2.1.0
6.5K systemd-zbus dev ^1.12.0
5.9K 8 nusb dev ^1.13.0
5.3K 4 async-pidfd dev ^1.11.2
5.1K 3 async-codec-lite dev ^1.11
4.5K 1 merge-streams dev ^1.12.0
4.2K 1 noop-waker dev ^1
4.2K 42 trillium dev ^2.1.0
3.6K 1 async-semaphore dev ^1.0.0
3.4K 8 async-ssh2-lite dev ^1
2.4K 6 wgpu-profiler dev ^2
1.9K 1 divviup-client dev ^2.3.0
1.2K apecs dev ^1.12.0
1.1K mapped_futures dev ^1.12.0
950 2 actix-form-data dev ^1.4.0
800 1 spawns dev ^2.3.0
600 1 spawns-compat dev ^2.3.0
550 1 samotop-smime dev ^1.11
550 async-barrier dev ^1.0.0
440 askama_rocket dev ^2.0.0
420 1 onetime dev ^2
390 1 spawns-executor dev ^2.3.0
370 1 lending-stream dev ^1.13.0
320 1 flurx dev ^2.2.0
290 futures-either dev ^1.0
290 1 jackiechan dev ^1.0.0
260 renderling_ui dev ^1.13
200 swansong dev ^2.3.0
170 6 async-sleep dev ^1
170 1 futures-polling dev ^1.0
150 4 fbthrift-transport dev ^2
150 1 piet-wgpu dev ^1.13.0
130 2 io-mux dev ^2.2.0
120 edge-net dev ^1
110 3 async-time-mock-core dev ^2
6 endbasic-core dev ^1.1
1 deadpool-tiberius dev ^1.13.0
async-unsync dev ^2.2.0
6 async-stream-packed dev ^0.1
2 async-http1-lite dev ^1
bevy_assets_bundler dev ^1
roctogen dev ^1.11
1 hooks dev ^1.12.0
apple-app-store-receipts dev ^1
x-bow dev ^1.13.0
revenq dev ^1.11
1 credent_fs dev ^1.11.3
4 async_ui_internal_utils dev ^1.13.0
abyss-promise dev ^1
1 async-stream-http-tunnel-grader dev ^0.1
1 endbasic-sdl dev ^1.1
graphql-int64-scalar dev ^1.12
sqlo dev ^1
uexec dev ^1.11
winit-block-on dev ^1.12.0
async-rustls-stream dev ^1.12.0
1 completion-io dev ^1.11.3
completion dev ^1.11.3
cross-socket dev ^1.13
1 runa-macros dev ^1.12.0
1 suspend-core dev ^1.11
3 async-stream-tls-upgrader dev ^0.1
2 async_ui_web_core dev ^1.13.0
uasync dev ^1
1 pacmanager_wrapper dev ^2.2.0
spin_future dev ^1.4.0
surf-pool dev ^1.12.0
1 futures-x-io-timeoutable dev ^1.11
theo dev ^1.13.0
1 endbasic-repl dev ^1.1
is31fl3733 dev ^2.2.0
mcp4725-async dev ^2.3.0