
  1. webdriver

    implementing the wire protocol for the W3C WebDriver specification

    v0.50.0 67K #browser #w3c #protocols #automation #remote-control #http-server #user-agent
  2. rdf-types

    Data-structures and traits definitions for RDF

    v0.22.4 6.6K #rdf #triple #quad #blank #w3c
  3. sophia

    toolkit for RDF and Linked Data

    v0.8.0 800 #linked-data #rdf #semantic-web #w3c
  4. prople-did-core

    A set of core libraries to manage the DID data and objects based on Prople system requirements

    v0.4.9 1.4K #did #decentralized-identity #prople #decentralized-identifier #cryptography #w3c #user
  5. nquads-syntax

    RDF 1.1 N-Quads parser with code mapping metadata

    v0.19.0 1.3K #rdf #parser #w3c #n-quads #text-format #parsing
  6. xsd-types

    XSD data types

    v0.9.3 900 #xsd #datatype #w3c #data-store
  7. sophia_api

    toolkit for RDF and Linked Data - Core API

    v0.8.0 2.0K #linked-data #semantic-web #rdf #w3c
  8. geckodriver

    Proxy for using WebDriver clients to interact with Gecko-based browsers

    v0.34.0 750 #web-driver #firefox #w3c #mozilla #apache #http-api #webdriver
  9. sophia_iri

    toolkit for RDF and Linked Data - IRI management

    v0.8.0 2.0K #linked-data #rdf #semantic-web #w3c
  10. deno_web

    Collection of Web APIs

    v0.181.0 17K #web-api #deno #event #text-encoding #w3c #file #text-decoder
  11. sophia_turtle

    toolkit for RDF and Linked Data - parsers and serializers for the Turtle-family of syntaxes

    v0.8.0 1.0K #linked-data #rdf #semantic-web #w3c
  12. sophia_rio

    toolkit for RDF and Linked Data - Common code for Rio adapters

    v0.8.0 1.1K #linked-data #rdf #semantic-web #w3c #serialization
  13. sophia_term

    toolkit for RDF and Linked Data - In-memory Graph and Dataset implementations

    v0.8.0 1.6K #linked-data #rdf #semantic-web #w3c
  14. sophia_inmem

    toolkit for RDF and Linked Data - In-memory Graph and Dataset implementations

    v0.8.0 850 #linked-data #semantic-web #rdf #w3c
  15. sophia_c14n

    toolkit for RDF and Linked Data - Graph and Dataset canonicalization

    v0.8.0 1.4K #linked-data #semantic-web #rdf #w3c
  16. html-purifier

    HTML Purifier

    v0.3.0 #html #purifier #allowlist #filter #w3c #standard #settings
  17. sophia_xml

    toolkit for RDF and Linked Data - RDF/XML parser and serializer

    v0.8.0 220 #linked-data #semantic-web #rdf #w3c #parser-serializer
  18. sophia_isomorphism

    toolkit for RDF and Linked Data - Graph and Dataset isomorphism

    v0.8.0 750 #linked-data #rdf #semantic-web #w3c
  19. sophia_resource

    toolkit for RDF and Linked Data - Resource-centric API

    v0.8.0 700 #linked-data #rdf #semantic-web #w3c #xml-parser #serialization
  20. specfmt

    Command line tool to format Bikeshed and Wattsi specifications using WHATWG conventions

    v0.2.3 #whatwg #w3c #bikeshed #web-specification #web-standard #command-line-tool #directory
  21. sophia_jsonld

    toolkit for RDF and Linked Data - JSON-LD parser and serializer

    v0.8.0 750 #linked-data #rdf #semantic-web #w3c #parser-serializer
  22. wdc

    A WebDriver client library

    v0.1.0-beta8 #web-driver #automation #w3c #client #webdriver-bidi
  23. did_common

    parsing Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), with no_std support

    v0.3.0 #did #decentralized-identifier #parser #decentralized-id #w3c #specification #following
  24. fediverse

    Just toying with the W3C ActivityStream & ActivityPub specs

    v0.1.6 #activity-pub #activity-stream #activity #w3c #org #specs #w3
  25. did-toolkit

    spec-compliant implementation of did-core, W3C's 'Decentralized Identity Documents'

    v0.2.0 #decentralized-identity #did #document #toolkit #specification #compliant #w3c
  26. reporting-api

    Reporting API and Network Error Logging

    v0.3.1 #error-logging #report #reporting #error-reporting #http-post #json #w3c
  27. traceparent

    w3c traceparents made simple

    v0.0.3 700 #w3c #distributed-tracing #distributed #tracing #tracecontext
  28. chrono_utils

    Utils for chrono library. It's may parse w3c date.

    v0.1.3 2.1K #date #w3c #chrono #parse
  29. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  30. trace-context

    Extract and inject W3C TraceContext headers

    v0.1.0 #w3c #tracing #traceparent #tracestate
  31. serenium

    W3C Webdriver Client for rust - INCOMPLETE!

    v0.1.0 #web-driver #w3c #chrome #client #incomplete
  32. w3c_validators

    Rust wrapper for the World Wide Web Consortium's online validation services

    v0.1.0 #web #validation #w3c #validator #http #service