
  1. blue-build

    A CLI tool built for creating Containerfile templates based on the Ublue Community Project

    v0.8.4 220 #template #build #recipe #community #command-line #cli-tool #ublue
  2. traq

    ⚠️ Community Driven ⚠️ traQ v3 API

    v0.1.4 140 #openapi #community #driven #api-client #⚠️ #updated #channel-api
  3. dessalines/lemmy_server

    A link aggregator for the fediverse

    GitHub 0.19.3 #post #link-aggregator #user #community #comments #activity-pub #lemmy
  4. community-id

    This package provides a Rust implementation of the open Community ID flow hashing standard

    v0.2.2 11K #flow #networking #community #id #hashing #hash #identifier
  5. lemmy_apub

    A link aggregator for the fediverse

    v0.19.1-rc.1 220 #link-aggregator #community #post #lemmy #discussion #activity-pub #user
  6. blue-build-recipe

    A CLI tool built for creating Containerfile templates based on the Ublue Community Project

    v0.8.4 190 #image #recipe #cli-tool #build #command #template #community
  7. blue-build-template

    A CLI tool built for creating Containerfile templates based on the Ublue Community Project

    v0.8.4 180 #template #recipe #blue-build #ublue #community #image #containerfile
  8. lemmy_api

    A link aggregator for the fediverse

    v0.19.1-rc.1 200 #link-aggregator #fediverse #post #lemmy #user #community #activity-pub
  9. lemmy_routes

    A link aggregator for the fediverse

    v0.19.1-rc.1 210 #link-aggregator #fediverse #post #lemmy #user #community #discussion
  10. couchbase

    The official Couchbase Rust SDK

    v1.0.0-alpha.4 #libcouchbase #database #sdk #kv #built #top #community
  11. yvers

    An extensible system monitor written in Rust

    v0.0.5 #system-monitor #widgets #extensible #tui #linux-process #process-manager #community
  12. raisensu

    License manager created for Sokhibjon

    v0.1.2 #manager #uzbek #source #open #community #licenses #created
  13. collectivity

    Generic collection traits

    v3.2.2 #collection #traits #data-structures #generic #slice #community #definition
  14. serde_shims

    Community Driven Serde Shims

    v0.2.2 120 #shim #serde #community #integration #share #projects #native
  15. jmespath_community

    JMESPath is a query and transformation language for JSON

    v0.1.1 #json #json-query #jmes-path #jmespath #query-language #community #transformation
  16. maidsafe_vault

    Pre alpha, and not useful, no code worth looking at

    v0.1.1 #vault #routing #node #documentation #safe #community #website
  17. DBeaverPasswordViewer

    viewing DBeaver Community Edition passwords

    v0.1.0 #dbeaverpasswordviewer #passwords #d-beaver #dbeaver #connection #edition #community #json-configuration
  18. waxy

    web crawler for community driven search engine

    v0.2.0 #web-crawler #crawler #search-engine #web-scraping #driven #community #general
  19. mulm

    A small mailing list manager for tiny community groups

    v1.1.1 #list #manager #group #tiny #community #archive #mailing
  20. cargo-contribute

    Cargo subcommand for contributing to development of your dependencies

    v0.2.2 #cargo-subcommand #issue #github #cargo #subcommand #community #issues
  21. koifish


    v0.0.7 #tui #github #toolchain #collaboration #community #cli #logo
  22. safecoin-measure

    Safecoin: Enterprise Security for the Community by the Community

    v1.14.17 460 #safecoin #security #enterprise #community #version #install #rustup
  23. ptt-crawler

    A crawler for the web version of PTT, the largest online community in Taiwan

    v0.1.0 #crawler #ptt #user-agent #article #board #community #largest
  24. safecoin-remote-wallet

    Safecoin: Enterprise Security for the Community by the Community

    v1.14.17 220 #safecoin #security #version #remote #community #enterprise #install
  25. pallet-encointer-bazaar

    Bazaar pallet for the Encointer blockchain runtime

    v7.0.0 1.3K #business #pallet #encointer #offering #community #blockchain #delete
  26. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  27. safecoin-cli-output

    Safecoin: Enterprise Security for the Community by the Community

    v1.14.17 #safecoin #security #version #order #community #enterprise #process
  28. rcommunity

    Subsystem for building a community on top of existing business

    v0.0.3 #community #top #business #subsystem #building
  29. sg-std

    Bindings for CosmWasm contracts to call into custom modules of Stargaze

    v3.2.0 1.5K #contracts #stargaze #pool #action #standard #claim #community
  30. bevy_oxr

    Community crate for OpenXR in Bevy

    v0.1.0 #bevy #open-xr #action #community #run #fork #image
  31. tgrade-community-pool

    Implementing tgrade-community-pool voting contract

    v0.17.1 140 #proposal #contract #community #pool #voting #validation #engagement
  32. community-managed-token

    Community Managed Token

    v0.3.1 2.2K #token #managed #community #upstream #transfer #burn #cmt
  33. reactionary

    Reaction is a full-stack decentralized community center enabling users to reap the benefits of owning their information

    v0.1.1 #decentralized #reaction #community #user #full-stack #information #benefits
  34. reaction-sdk

    Reaction is a full-stack decentralized community center enabling users to reap the benefits of owning their information

    v0.1.0 #reaction #decentralized #community #user #full-stack #center #owning
  35. std_serde_shims

    Community Driven Serde Shims

    v0.2.1 140 #shim #serde #community #driven #add #serialization #serde-shims
  36. terp-sdk

    Bindings for CosmWasm contracts to call into custom modules of Terp

    v0.1.0 #cosmwasm #terp #contracts #community #pool #module #call
  37. mars-delegator

    Smart contract managing community fund delegation to genesis validators on Mars Hub

    v1.1.0 #mars #validation #delegation #contract #hub #genesis #community
  38. pcrc

    CLI to interact Post-Corona Community API Server

    v0.1.0 #community #cli #online #api-server
  39. iq-crates

    open source crates from iqlusion 📦

    v0.0.0 #iqlusion #apache #📦 #repository #md #community #packages

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