
  1. hyper

    A fast and correct HTTP library

    v1.3.1 7.1M #http #http-server #http-client #hyperium #http2 #client-server #http-1
  2. headers

    typed HTTP headers

    v0.4.0 1.4M #http-header #header #hyper #hyper-http #hyperium
  3. hyper-util

    hyper utilities

    v0.1.3 1.6M #hyper #http #hyperium #utilities
  4. hyper_imp

    A fast and correct HTTP library

    v0.14.36 2.4K #http-client #http #http-server #hyper #client-server #hyperium #server-api
  5. rama-hyper

    A fast and correct HTTP library for Rama

    v0.1001000.0 #http-client #http-server #http #hyper #client-server #hyperium
  6. headers-accept-encoding

    Hypper typed HTTP headers with Accept-Encoding + zstd support

    v1.1.0 950 #http-header #headers #header #hyper #hyper-http #hyperium
  7. demurgos_headers

    Temporary fork of typed HTTP headers, with Link headers support

    v0.3.8 170 #header #http-header #hyper #hyperium
  8. hyper-util-wasm

    hyper utilities, patched for wasm

    v0.1.3 #hyper #http #wasm #hyperium
  9. salvo-utils

    hyper utilities

    v0.0.7 950 #hyper #http #hyperium
  10. hyper-srv

    A wrapper around Hyper's connector with ability to preresolve SRV DNS records

    v0.5.0 #dns-records #srv #hyper #dns #hyper-http #http #hyperium
  11. rama-hyper-util

    rama-hyper utilities

    v0.1002.0 #hyper #hyperium #utilities #http
  12. www-authenticate

    missing HTTP WWW-Authenticate header parser/printer for hyper 0.11.x. 0.1.x for hyper 0.10.y, 0.2.x for hyper 0.11.y and 0.3.x for hyperx

    v0.4.0 4.7K #hyper #http #hyperium #authentication
  13. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  14. headers-content-md5

    typed Content-MD5 header

    v0.2.0 #header #http-header #http #hyperium #hyper #headers
  15. headers-core

    typed HTTP headers core trait

    v0.3.0 1.3M #http-header #header #hyper #hyperium
  16. hyperx

    Hyper's typed header module, eXtracted and improved

    v1.4.0 19K #http-header #hyper #hyperium #http
  17. hyperx_chantra

    Hyper's typed header module, eXtracted and improved

    v1.4.0 #hyper #hyperium #http