
  1. vaultrs

    An asynchronous Rust client library for the Hashicorp Vault API

    v0.7.2 66K #hashi-corp #hashicorp #vault #client #api-client #api-key
  2. hcl-rs

    HCL parser and formatter for rust with serde support

    v0.16.9 3.2K #hcl #serialization #configuration-language #serde #deserialize #data-structures #hashi-corp
  3. nomad-client-rs

    A HashiCorp Nomad's HTTP API client

    v0.9.1 #nomad #http-api #rest-client #api-client #client #http-client #hashi-corp
  4. hashicorp_vault

    HashiCorp Vault API client for Rust

    v2.1.1 1.7K #vault #hashi-corp #secret #token #api-client #local #ttl
  5. vaultrs-login

    Adds login support for Vault clients from vaultrs

    v0.2.1 4.0K #login #vault #hashi-corp #client #authentication #api-client #api
  6. vaultwalker

    A CLI tool to browse Hashicorp Vault secrets

    v0.2.3 120 #vault #cli #secret #hashi-corp #cli-tool #command-line #browse
  7. credentials

    Fetch secrets from either environment variables or Hashicorp's Vault

    v1.0.0-beta.1 #env-var #secret #vault #fetch #hashi-corp #store #passwords
  8. nu_plugin_hcl

    A nushell plugin for parsing Hashicorp Configuration Language file format

    v0.90.1 #configuration-language #hcl #nushell #nushell-plugin #config-parser #hashi-corp #file-format
  9. hcdl

    Easily download and update HashiCorp tools

    v0.12.0 #hashi-corp #download #latest-version #gpg #terraform #key #update
  10. tfconfig

    Rust port of HashiCorp's terraform-config-inspect Go library

    v0.2.2 230 #port #hashi-corp #terraform-config-inspect #path #required-providers #go
  11. credentials_to_env

    Fetch secrets from Hashicorp's Vault and write to environment or files, then exec another program

    v0.4.7 #env-vars #secret #vault #hashi-corp #variables #environment #write
  12. service_world

    Discover services from Hasicorp's consul

    v0.2.0 #service-discovery #service #consul #discovery #networking #command-line-tool #hashi-corp
  13. vault_client

    A client library for HashiCorp Vault

    v0.3.2 #vault #secret #tls #hashi-corp #client #pki #server
  14. consulrs

    An asynchronous Rust client library for the Hashicorp Consul API

    v0.1.0 480 #consul #hashi-corp #client #api-client #api-service #api #kv-store
  15. vault-vars

    fetch secrets from Hashicorp Vault and inject them into variable files for hashicorp terraform

    v0.0.4 160 #vault #variables #secret #hashi-corp #terraform #read #yaml
  16. nomad

    A HashiCorp Nomad's HTTP API client

    v0.2.0 #scheduler #http-api #api-client #hashi-corp
  17. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  18. nquery

    Query your Nomad clusters

    v0.3.1 #nomad #hashi-corp #cluster #query #jobs #parameterized #meta
  19. serf-rpc

    A client library for Hashicorp's Serf (https://serf.io)

    v0.2.0 #hashi-corp #client #serf #io
  20. arclutevests

    Retrieve secret data from a vault (Hashicorp) instance

    v0.1.0 #secret #vault #retrieve #instance #hashi-corp #data
  21. secret-keeper-hashivault

    Hashivault SecretKeeper, an integration with Hashicorp Vault for https://crates.io/crates/secret-keeper

    v0.3.5 #vault #security #encryption-key #hashi-corp #encryption-decryption #api-bindings #crypto
  22. gh-labelx

    Creates issue labels on GitHub idempotently through HashiCorp Terraform

    v0.1.1 #label #github #create #terraform #issue #hashi-corp #manifest
  23. passivized_vault_client_versions

    Test support crate defining which Vault versions are tested against

    v0.0.10 #vault #version #client #tested #api-client #hashi-corp #secret
  24. streambed-vault

    Streambed secret store to be used with the Hashicorp Vault API

    v0.9.1 #secret-store #vault #hashi-corp #streambed #api #time #kv
  25. nomad-client

    [Deprecated] A Rust client for HashiCorp Nomad's API

    v0.0.10 2.4K #nomad #openapi #client #hashi-corp #api-client #hashicorp #api-bindings
  26. xand-secrets-vault

    A xand-secrets adapter that implements the SecretKeyValueStore trait for a Hashicorp Vault

    v0.8.2 #vault #secret-key-value-store #xand-secrets #traits #adapter #key-value-store #hashi-corp
  27. consulrs_derive

    A derive macro for implementing query options for Consul endpoints

    v0.1.0 500 #consul #consulrs #query #client #api #macro #hashi-corp