zstd-safe is used at run time in 3,345 crates (of which 610 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 21 crates. It's used at build time in 183 crates (of which 66 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 376 crates (of which 1 directly).

Number of dependers zstd-safe version Downloads/month
1,936 7.2.3 0
0 7.2.1 3.1M
422 6.0.6 631K
1,291 5.0.2 1.0M
3 5.0.1 10K
20 4.1.6 12K
118 4.1.3 11K
5 4.1.0 370
2 3.1.0 2.2K
11 3.0.1 7.7K
85 2.0.6 7.2K
11 1.4.13 250
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) zstd-safe version
4.8M 591 zstd ^7.1.0
2.5M 181 async-compression optional ^7
54K 1 pingora-header-serde ^7.1.0
5.8K 2 apollo-router ^7.1.0
900 uhg-custom-appollo-roouter ^7.1.0
130 zstd-reusectx ^7.0.0
900 6 backhand optional ^7.2.1
120 3 fog-pack ^6
120 1 minetest-protocol ^6.0.4
pinenut-log ^7.0.0
bupstash ^4.1
zstd_util ^6.0.6
1 photondb ^6.0
VTMK ^4.1.1
2 tycho-util ^7.2
mi ^3.0.0
3 below-store ^7.0.0
escp 7.*
230 1 chd optional ^7.1.0
async-compression-issue-150-workaround optional ^5.0.1
roach optional ^7.2.0
aott dev ^6.0.6