3 unstable releases

0.2.1 Feb 23, 2024
0.2.0 Feb 23, 2024
0.1.0 Feb 3, 2024

#121 in Template engine

43 downloads per month

MIT license

520 lines

Zinal HTML Templating Library


Zinal is a village in Switzerland, located in the municipality of Anniviers in the canton of Valais.

It is also a HTML templating library for Rust programs, focussing on composability.

[!NOTE] While functional, this library is still in an early stage. Bugs may occur, and documentation and error messages are lacking. Breaking changes are to be expected.


  • Composable templates with an intuitive syntax similar to JSX
  • Embed arbitrary rust expressions and statements in your templates
  • Compile-time errors for missing or incorrect template arguments
  • Templates are built into the binary, no parsing at runtime necessary


Add zinal as a dependency in your Cargo.toml:

zinal = "0.1"


The following example shows some features of Zinal, like composing templates and embedding a rust for loop.

use zinal::*;

#[template(content = "
  <div>We greet the following people:</div>
  <#for name in &self.names #>
    <Person name={{name}} />
struct Greetings {
  names: Vec<String>

#[template(content = "<li><p>{{self.name}}</p></li>")]
struct Person<'a> {
  name: &'a str,

let greetings = Greetings {
  names: vec!["Mary".to_owned(), "John".to_owned(), "Kate".to_owned(), "Agnes".to_owned()]

fn main() {
  // Prints (possibly with some insignificant whitespace differences):
  // <div>We greet the following people:</div>
  // <ul>
  // <li><p>Mary</p></li>
  // <li><p>John</p></li>
  // <li><p>Kate</p></li>
  // <li><p>Agnes</p></li>
  // </ul>
  println!("{}", greetings.render_to_string().unwrap()); 

You can either define a template directly in code...

#[template(content = "<div>Hello, {{self.name}}!</div>")]
struct Hello<'a> {
  name: &'a str

...or reference a template file. Template files must be in a top level folder called templates but can be freely nested within.

#[template(path = "examples/hello.html")]
struct Hello<'a> {
  name: &'a str
<!-- File: templates/examples/hello.html -->
<div>Hello, {{self.name}}!</div>

You can use arbitrary rust expressions in your templates...

#[template(content = "<div>2 + 2 = {{2 + 2}}; {{ "Hello".to_uppercase() }}")]
struct Example;

...as well as embed statements that get executed when the template renders.

#[template(content = r#"
  <div>Hello, World!</div>
  <# println!("Rendering Example template...") #>
struct Example;

For more examples see the examples folder. For more information about the template syntax see the syntax reference.


Zinal is distributed under the terms the MIT license.

See LICENSE for details.


Zinal is a HTML template rendering library for rust programs.


use zinal::*;

#[template(content = "
  <div>We greet the following people:</div>
  <# for name in &self.names #>
    <Person name={{name}} />
struct Greetings {
  names: Vec<String>

#[template(content = "<li><p>{{self.name}}</p></li>")]
struct Person<'a> {
  name: &'a str,

let greetings = Greetings {
  names: vec!["Mary".to_owned(), "John".to_owned(), "Kate".to_owned(), "Agnes".to_owned()]

println!("{}", greetings.render_to_string().unwrap());

// Prints (possibly with some insignificant whitespace differences):
// <div>We greet the following people:</div>
// <ul>
// <li><p>Mary</p></li>
// <li><p>John</p></li>
// <li><p>Kate</p></li>
// <li><p>Agnes</p></li>
// </ul>

