1 unstable release

new 0.1.0 Mar 12, 2025

#551 in Parser implementations

MIT license

33K SLoC

C 23K SLoC // 0.2% comments Rust 6.5K SLoC // 0.0% comments JavaScript 4K SLoC // 0.1% comments Objective-C 63 SLoC Swift 16 SLoC // 0.2% comments C++ 7 SLoC // 0.3% comments


A Rust wrapper for yyjson, a high-performance JSON library written in ANSI C.


  • Fast JSON parsing and writing using yyjson
  • Flexible memory management
  • DOM-style API for JSON navigation
  • Full JSON spec support
  • Non-standard JSON support
    • Big integers
    • Inf/Nan numbers
    • C-style comments
    • Trailing commas


  • Rust 1.56+ (may vary, check actual minimum supported version)


Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

yyjson-rs = "0.1.0"  # Check crates.io for latest version


Parsing JSON

use yyjson_rs::DocContext;

fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let json = r#"
        "name": "Alice",
        "age": 30,
        "scores": [95.5, 89.2, 92.8],
        "metadata": {
            "active": true,
            "tags": ["rust", "c", "json"]

    let ctx = DocContext::default();
    let doc = ctx.parse(json.as_bytes())?;
    let root = doc.root();

    // Access primitive values
    let name: Option<&str> = root.at_key("name").and_then(|v| v.str());
    let age: Option<u64> = root.at_key("age").and_then(|v| v.u64());

    // Navigate nested structures
    let scores = root.at_key("scores").and_then(|v| v.list()).unwrap();
    let first_score = scores.get(0).and_then(|v| v.f64()).unwrap();

    let active: Option<bool> = root
        .and_then(|m| m.at_key("active"))

Iterate over lists and objects:

    // Array iteration
    let scores = root.at_key("scores").and_then(|v| v.list()).unwrap();
    for score in scores.iter() {
        println!("Score: {}", score.f64().unwrap());

    // Object iteration
    let metadata = root.at_key("metadata").and_then(|v| v.obj()).unwrap();
    for (key, value) in metadata.iter() {
        println!("{}: {}", key, value);

Writing JSON

use yyjson_rs::{
    BasicAllocProvider, DocContext, ReadOptions, WriteOptions, Writer, YyjsonAllocProvider,

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // parse doc
    let json = r#"{"name": "John", /* age is invalid */ "age": NaN,}"#;
    let read_opts = ReadOptions {
        allow_trailing_commas: true,
        allow_comments: true,
        allow_inf_and_nan: true,
    let doc_context = DocContext::new(BasicAllocProvider::default(), read_opts);
    let doc = doc_context.parse(json.as_bytes())?;

    // write
    let alloc_provider = BasicAllocProvider::default();
    let allocator = alloc_provider.get_allocator();
    let write_opts = WriteOptions {
        pretty: true,
        allow_inf_and_nan: true,
    let mut writer = Writer::new(allocator, Some(&write_opts));
    let output = doc.write(&mut writer)?;
    println!("{}", output.as_str());


Memory Allocation Strategies

The library supports multiple allocation strategies:

  • BasicAllocProvider: Default, libc allocator
  • PoolAllocProvider: Pre-allocates a fixed-length buffer, suitable for single use per JSON document rather than across multiple JSON documents
  • DynamicAllocProvider: Similar to pool allocator, however, when there is not enough memory, it dynamically requests more memory using malloc and frees all allocations when it is destroyed

Parsing Options

For non-standard JSON, you can customize parsing with ReadOptions:

  • allow_comments: allow c-style single line and multiple line comments
  • allow_trailing_commas: allow trailing comma at end of an object or array
  • stop_when_done: if there is additional content after a JSON document, such as a newline, stop once parsing of the JSON document is done rather than erroring out
  • allow_inf_and_nan: Allow inf/nan values
  • bignums_as_raw_strings: read big numbers that cannot be represented as u64 and i64, and floats that cannot be represented by finite f64 as raw strings

Writing Options

Control JSON output with WriteOptions:

  • pretty: Write JSON pretty with 4 space indent
  • pretty_with_two_spaces: Write JSON pretty with 2 space indent, overrides pretty
  • escape_unicode: escape unicode as uXXXX, make output ASCII only
  • escape_slashes: escape '/' as '/'.
  • allow_inf_and_nan: (non-standard) write inf and nan number as 'Infinity' and 'NaN' literal.
  • inf_and_nan_as_null: write inf and nan number as null literal. Overrides allow_inf_and_nan
  • add_newline_at_end: adds newline character at the end of JSON, helpful for NDJSON


This library provides a thin wrapper around yyjson, maintaining the original library's high-performance.


While using FFI internally, the public API ensures:

  • Lifetime-bound document access
  • Null-pointer checks for all C interactions
  • Type checking before value access
  • Memory safety through RAII patterns




Contributions are welcome! Please submit pull requests or open issues on the repository.


  • yyjson - The underlying high-performance JSON library
