XML is used at run time in 15 crates (of which 2 optionally).

Number of dependers XML version Downloads/month
14 0.8.20 4.5K
1 0.0.1 9
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) XML version
700 velopack ^0.8
240 dawproject-rs ^0.8.10
150 1 irox-raymarine-sonar ^0.8
140 iptvrs ^0
110 simple-abns ^0.8.20
xsender ^0.8.10
xspf ^0.8.10
600 1 more-config optional ^0.8
1 irox-gpx ^0.8
weblab-runtime-tools ^0.0.1
winprint ^0.8
rssss ^0.8.10
ros2-pkginfogen ^0.8.10
auto_sitemap ^0.8.10