#vanity #address #generator #crypto #command-line-tool #public-key #witnet

app witnet-vanity

A simple CLI tool to generate Witnet vanity addresses written in Rust

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jun 9, 2020

#14 in #vanity

Custom license

205 lines


A simple CLI tool to generate Witnet vanity addresses, i.e. starting with wit or twit. Optionally, other prefixes can be configured by using the CLI option hrp.

Similar to a vanity license plate, a vanity cryptocurrency address starts with a specific pattern. Generating such an addresses requires a significant amount of work as they are found by generating random Secp256k1 keypairs and checking if the derived addresses follow the requested patterns. Therefore, the longer the pattern the harder it is to found a match.

I just thought of something. Eventually there'll be some interest in brute force scanning bitcoin addresses to find one with the first few characters customized to your name, kind of like getting a phone number that spells out something. Just by chance I have my initials.

— Satoshi Nakamoto in an email to Hal Finney in 2009

Witnet vanity addresses are are inspired in the BIP 0173 and they follow the Bech32 format. However, in Witnet SHA256 is used in order to derived addresses from Secp256k1 public keys.


The CLI tool provides the following options:

  cargo run --release -- -h

Witnet vanity address generator 0.1.0
Stampery Labs
Vanity address generator using curve Secp256k1 and in Bech32 format: <hrp>1<string>

    witnet-vanity [OPTIONS] <vanity-string>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -H, --hrp <hrp>            Human-readable part of the vanity address (e.g. wit, twit, bc) [default: wit]
    -t, --threads <threads>    Number of running threads executed in parallel [default: threads = num_cpus]

    <vanity-string>    Vanity prefix string to generate


In the following example, an address with prefix 'm00n':

  cargo run --release -- m00n

Searching vanity addresses with the prefix: wit1m00n

  [00:00:19] [################################################################################] address found! (ETA: 0s)

Vanity address found:
        SK bytes:       6c3a17f2e4c6bcd62da0b661904dd0508fb5bbcf6267f8ceedfc3a60849a7b2d
        Private key:    xprv1qq9qjt4xft2zyty744t7nuyergtulqhs52xrpcmt22hs3wzuk6tz6qrv8gtl9exxhntzmg9kvxgym5zs376mhnmzvluvam0u8fsgfxnm95s96kwv
        Address:        wit1m00nj3eyzl5prcluexusfrcaf80fds6hhu5rxd

The tool outputs:

  • private key bytes
  • private key in xprv format (as it could be used to imported in witnet-rust node)
  • address in bech32 format


witnet-vanity is published under the MIT license.


~214K SLoC