1 unstable release
0.3.0 | Jul 31, 2023 |
#29 in #singleton
116 lines
Easy singleton initialization & usage for Rust.
is a set of macros to allow for easy singleton initialization & usage.
If a singleton(context) has not been initialized, it will panic in runtime only in debug mode. Release mode disables safety catches so test thoroughly.
use with_context::*;
pub struct ExampleContext {
pub initialized: bool,
pub name: String,
// This defines a context that can be used with either ctx_req! on a function or block,
// Or ctx_get!.
ctx_def!(ectx: ExampleContext);
// The context must be initialized before we can do anything with it, or it will panic.
fn main() {
ctx_init!(ectx => {
ExampleContext { initilized: true, name: String::from("Example Context") }
// When using ctx_req!, the context can be renamed.
ctx_req!(ec: ectx => {
println!("ExampleContext is{} initialized.", if ec.initilized {""} else {"n't"});
// ctx_req_mut! allows mutating the contents.
ctx_req_mut!(ec: ectx => {
println!("ExampleContext has name {}", ec.name);
ec.name = String::from("New Name");
println!("Now ec has name {}", ec.name);
let example_ref: &ExampleContext = ctx_get!(ec)
// with_context does not have borrow checking. Make sure the base struct has mutexes for thread safety, or wrap it in another struct.
let example_ref_mut: &mut ExampleContext = ctx_get_mut!(ectx);
// Functions that use a context look just like normal functions.
set_name(String::from("New Name 2)"));
// ctx_req! and ctx_req_mut! can be used on pub fn and fn declarations.
// Does not support constant or unsafe functions.
ctx_req_mut!(ec: ectx => {
fn set_name(name: String) {
ec.name = name;