5 releases (breaking)
0.5.0 | Jun 1, 2024 |
0.4.0 | May 25, 2024 |
0.3.0 | May 11, 2024 |
0.2.0 | May 8, 2024 |
0.1.0 | May 6, 2024 |
#276 in Graphics APIs
39 downloads per month
WGSL Parser
A hand-rolled, zero-copy recursive-descent parser for WebGPU shading language, written with Gramatika.
Parsing a source file
use parser::{Parse, ParseStream, SyntaxTree};
const SOURCE_TEXT: &str = include_str!("path/to/some/shader.wgsl");
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let mut parser = ParseStream::from(SOURCE_TEXT);
// The `SyntaxTree`
let tree = parser.parse::<SyntaxTree>()?;
// A tuple of `(ArcStr, Vec<Token>)`
let (source, tokens) = parser.into_inner();
Tokenizing a source file without doing a full parse
use gramatika::Lexer as _;
use parser::Lexer;
const SOURCE_TEXT: &str = include_str!("path/to/some/shader.wgsl");
fn main() {
let mut lexer = Lexer::new(SOURCE_TEXT.into());
// `Vec<Token>`
let tokens = lexer.scan();
Syntax tree representation
A SyntaxTree
contains a vector of Decl
s representing the top-level syntax
types defined by the WGSL grammar, e.g.:
Decl::Var(VarDecl { .. })
@group(1) @binding(2) var<uniform> uniforms: Uniforms;
Decl::Const(VarDecl { .. })
const FOO: u32 = 1u;
Decl::Struct(StructDecl { .. })
struct Foo { foo: mat3x4<f32>, bar: vec2<u32>, baz: array<mat4x4<f32>, 256u>, }
Decl::Function(FunctionDecl { .. })
fn sum(a: f32, b: f32) -> f32 { return a + b; }
The structures wrapped by those declarations can contain sub-declarations, e.g.:
Decl::Field(FieldDecl { .. })
inside of aStructDecl
Decl::Param(ParamDecl { .. })
inside of aFunctionDecl
The body
of a FunctionDecl
contains a vector of Stmt
is an enum in a form similar to Decl
, with variants indicating the kind
of statement it represents, each wrapping an inner structure that describes the
syntax in further detail, often recursively, e.g.:
// NOTE: This is not valid Rust code, just a pseudo-code example of what some
// `Stmt` might look like on the inside
Stmt::If(IfStmt {
else_branch: Some(ElseStmt {
body: Arc(Stmt::Block(BlockStmt {
stmts: Arc<[Stmt]>,
Finally, Expr
is the "lowest" form of syntax in the tree, taking the same
general form as Decl
and Stmt
Inspecting a syntax tree
Each node of the syntax tree derives a bespoke Debug
implementation, which
prints the tree in a format that's a sort of cross between Lisp (a format
commonly used for representing syntax trees) and Rust syntax.
That format looks like this:
max(4, 2) // The expression represented by the tree below
(Expr::Primary (PrimaryExpr
expr: (Expr::FnCall (FnCallExpr
ident: (IdentExpr::Leaf `max` (Function (1:1...1:4))),
arguments: (ArgumentList
brace_open: `(` (Brace (1:4...1:5)),
arguments: [
(Expr::Primary (PrimaryExpr
expr: (Expr::Literal `4` (IntLiteral (1:5...1:6))),
(Expr::Primary (PrimaryExpr
expr: (Expr::Literal `2` (IntLiteral (1:8...1:9))),
brace_close: `)` (Brace (1:9...1:10)),
Traversing a syntax tree
The package exports a Visitor
trait which can be implemented to efficiently
traverse the tree. Visitor
defines a visit_
method for each type of syntax
represented by the tree. visit_
methods for nodes that contain child nodes
must return either FlowControl::Continue
to traverse their children, or
to stop traversing the current branch.
The default Visitor
implementation returns FlowControl::Continue
for every
node, so you only need to actually implement the visit_
methods that your
particular use case calls for:
use std::collections::HashMap;
use gramatika::{Substr, Token as _};
use parser::{
expr::{IdentExpr, NamespacedIdent},
traversal::{FlowControl, Visitor, Walk},
ParseStream, SyntaxTree,
struct ReferenceCounter {
counts: HashMap<Substr, usize>,
impl Visitor for ReferenceCounter {
fn visit_var_decl(&mut self, decl: &VarDecl) -> FlowControl {
self.counts.insert(decl.name.lexeme(), 0);
if let Some(ref expr) = decl.assignment {
fn visit_ident_expr(&mut self, mut expr: &IdentExpr) {
if let IdentExpr::Leaf(name) = expr {
if let Some(count) = self.counts.get_mut(&name.lexeme()) {
*count += 1;
// Note: Not actually a robust implementation of a reference-counter,
// but good enough for this toy example
pub fn count_references(tree: &SyntaxTree) -> HashMap<Substr, usize> {
let mut visitor = ReferenceCounter::default();
tree.walk(&mut visitor);
~36K SLoC