Cargo Features

wgpu-core has no features set by default.

wgpu-core = { version = "24.0.2", features = ["counters", "api_log_info", "resource_log_info", "renderdoc", "strict_asserts", "indirect-validation", "serde", "trace", "observe_locks", "replay", "raw-window-handle", "wgsl", "glsl", "spirv", "fragile-send-sync-non-atomic-wasm", "metal", "vulkan", "gles", "dx12"] }

Internally count resources and events for debugging purposes. If the counters feature is disabled, the counting infrastructure is removed from the build and the exposed counters always return 0.

Enables counters of wgpu-types


Log all API entry points at info instead of trace level.
Also, promotes certain debug log calls to info.


Log resource lifecycle management at info instead of trace level.


Support the Renderdoc graphics debugger:

Enables renderdoc of wgpu-hal


Apply run-time checks, even in release builds. These are in addition to the validation carried out at public APIs in all builds.

Enables strict_asserts of wgpu-types


Validates indirect draw/dispatch calls. This will also enable naga's WGSL frontend since we use a WGSL compute shader to do the validation.

Enables wgsl-in of naga

serde observe_locks? replay? trace?

Enables serialization via serde on common wgpu types.

Enables serde, serde of arrayvec, serde of wgpu-types

trace = serde

Enable API tracing.

Enables ron ^0.8, serialize of naga

Affects trace::Trace, device::trace


Enable lock order observation.

Enables ron ^0.8, serde_derive of serde

replay = serde

Enable API replaying

Enables deserialize of naga

Affects device::trace


Enable creating instances using raw-window-handle

Enables raw-window-handle


Enable ShaderModuleSource::Wgsl

Enables wgsl-in of naga


Enable ShaderModuleSource::Glsl

Enables glsl-in of naga


Enable ShaderModuleSource::SpirV

Enables bytemuck, spv-in of naga


Implement Send and Sync on Wasm, but only if atomics are not enabled.

WebGL/WebGPU objects can not be shared between threads. However, it can be useful to artificially mark them as Send and Sync anyways to make it easier to write cross-platform code. This is technically very unsafe in a multithreaded environment, but on a wasm binary compiled without atomics we know we are definitely not in a multithreaded environment.

Enables fragile-send-sync-non-atomic-wasm of wgpu-hal and wgpu-types


Backends, passed through to wgpu-hal

Enable the metal backend.

Enables metal of wgpu-hal


Enable the vulkan backend.

Enables vulkan of wgpu-hal


Enable the GLES backend.

This is used for all of GLES, OpenGL, and WebGL.

Enables gles of wgpu-hal


Enable the dx12 backend.

Enables dx12 of wgpu-hal