Cargo Features

wash-lib = { version = "0.22.2", default-features = false, features = ["start", "parser", "cli", "nats", "plugin", "docs"] }
default = nats, parser, plugin, start

These default features are set whenever wash-lib is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

start default = semver

Affects wash-lib::start

parser default = config, semver

Affects wash-lib::parser

cli = clap, console, dialoguer, heck, ignore, indicatif, path-absolutize, term-table

Affects wash-lib::build, wash-lib::cli, wash-lib::generate

nats default = async-nats, wadm-types

Affects wash-lib::app, wash-lib::capture, wash-lib::component, wash-lib::config, wash-lib::context, wash-lib::drain, wash-lib::spier, wash-lib::wait

plugin default = wasmtime, wasmtime-wasi, wasmtime-wasi-http

Affects wash-lib::plugin


Enables docs of wasmcloud-component-adapters


skip fetching adapters (which requires network access)

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

async-nats nats

Enables async-nats ^0.33

clap cli?
config parser

Enables config ^0.13

console cli?
dialoguer cli?

Enables dialoguer ^0.10

heck cli?
ignore cli?
indicatif cli?
path-absolutize cli?
semver parser start
term-table cli?

Enables term-table =1.3.2

wadm-types nats
wasmtime plugin

Enables wasmtime ^20

wasmtime-wasi plugin

Enables wasmtime-wasi ^20

wasmtime-wasi-http plugin

Enables wasmtime-wasi-http ^20