5 releases
1.0.4-beta | Dec 7, 2024 |
1.0.3-beta | Dec 3, 2024 |
1.0.1-beta.1 | Dec 1, 2024 |
#30 in #wallet
57 downloads per month
A lightweight Rust Solana Wallet that can be used in Rust based frontends and WebAssembly.
Documentation Links
- Usage - How to add this library and required features for
crate - Initializing - How
wallet events are initialized - Wallet Storage - How the wallets registered are stored in memory within the dapp
- Connect and Check for Supported Features - How to connect to a browser wallet and check which features the connected wallet supports
- Disconnect - Disconnected an account from the connected wallet
- Sign In With Solana - Sign In With Solana (SIWS)
- Sign Message - Signing a message with a browser wallet
- Sign Transaction - Signing a transaction with a browser wallet
- Sign and Send Transaction - Sign and Send Transaction with a browser wallet
- Examples - Where to find examples
- License - Licensed under Apache-2.0 or MIT
- Features - What features of the wallet standard are supported by this library
- Templates - Which Rust frontend framework templates have been implemented
- Template Examples - Which Rust frontend framework templates examples have been implemented
- Build Requirement - What tools are required to build a working project
- Build and Run A Template - How to build a template or project to WebAssembly and run in the browser
If the project does not have it's own build tool ensure the Cargo.toml
manifest specified that this is a shared library by adding
crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]
Add library to Cargo.toml
manifest file.
The features for web-sys
crate below are required for all features to work.
wallet-adapter = "<latest version>"
wasm-bindgen = "<latest version>"
web-sys = { version = "<latest version>", features = [
] }
# Tell `rustc` to optimize for small code size.
opt-level = "s"
See Template Usage for more details
Initializing Register
and AppReady
This is done automatically when calling WalletAdapter::init()
. The Register
and AppReady
events are registered to the browser window and document in the current page allowing browser extension wallet to register themselves as per the wallet standard specification.
use wallet_adapter::WalletAdapter;
fn foo() -> wallet_adapter::WalletResult<()>{
// Initializing the wallet adapter
let adapter = WalletAdapter::init()?;
// Get wallets registered
// Get a wallet by name
// Get the storage where the registered wallets are stored
// Expose the browser window
// Expose the browser document
Ok::<(), wallet_adapter::WalletError>(())
Alternatively, for some templates where handling events like onclick
requires FnMut
closures, InitEvents
can be used instead.
The wallet_adapter::InitEvents
requires an in-memory storage solution to store the registered wallets for retrieval. The wallet_adapter::WalletStorage
can be used instead which wraps a HashMap with a Rc<RefCell<>>
to allow usage in closures that move variables out of their environment.
use wallet_adapter::{WalletStorage, InitEvents};
fn foo() -> wallet_adapter::WalletResult<()> {
// Get the Window object where the `AppReady` and `Register` events will be initialized
let window = web_sys::window().expect("No Browser Window Detected");
let mut storage = WalletStorage::default();
// Initialize the events
let init_events = InitEvents::new(&window).init(&mut storage)?;
Ok::<(), wallet_adapter::WalletError>(())
In-memory storage for registered wallets.
handles storage of registered wallets. The in-memory storage is a HashMap<hash, Wallet>
where the hash
is the hash of the wallet name.
use wallet_adapter::WalletStorage;
let storage = WalletStorage::default();
// Get all registered wallets
// Get a wallet by its name
// Clone the storage inside a closure, method or function that moves variables out of their environment
// `WalletStorage` internally representation is `Rc<RefCell<HashMap<hash, Wallet>>>`
// this makes it cheap to clone `WalletStorage` where one needs to access `HashMap<hash, Wallet>`
Connecting to a browser extension wallet and checking for features
use wallet_adapter::WalletAdapter;
async fn foo() -> wallet_adapter::WalletResult<()> {
let mut adapter = WalletAdapter::init()?;
// Lookup a wallet from the registered wallet by it's name
// and then use that wallet entry to perform a connection request
// Assuming in a frontend application you have a list of
// registered wallets to iterate through in order to show a modal
// or a dropdown of registered wallets and you are building an
// onclick event to do a connection, you cal use the `WalletAdapter::connect()` method instead
for wallet in adapter.wallets() {
// An onclick event from any frontend framework
// onclick:move|_| {
adapter.connect(wallet).await?; // The `wallet` can be used inside the onclick event
// }
// Get all clusters supported by a connected wallet
// Is MainNet cluster supported
// Is DevNet cluster supported
// Is TestNet cluster supported
// Is LocalNet cluster supported
// Is `standard:connect` feature specified in wallet standard supported
// Is `standard:disconnect` feature specified in wallet standard supported
// Is `standard:events` feature specified in wallet standard supported
// Is `solana:signIn` feature specified in wallet standard supported
// Is `solana:signMessage` feature specified in wallet standard supported
// Is `solana:signTransaction` feature specified in wallet standard supported
// Is `solana:signAndSendTransaction` feature specified in wallet standard supported
Ok::<(), wallet_adapter::WalletError>(())
Disconnecting from the wallet
use wallet_adapter::{WalletAdapter, SigninInput};
async fn foo() -> wallet_adapter::WalletResult<()> {
let mut adapter = WalletAdapter::init()?;
// Disconnect from the wallet
Ok::<(), wallet_adapter::WalletError>(())
Sign In With Solana (SIWS)
use wallet_adapter::{WalletAdapter, SigninInput};
async fn foo() -> wallet_adapter::WalletResult<()> {
let mut adapter = WalletAdapter::init()?;
// The message to show the user
let statement = "Login To Dev Website";
// Get the public key bytes of the connected account within the connected wallet
let public_key = adapter.connected_account()?.public_key;
// Get the address of the connected account within the connected wallet
let address = adapter.connected_account()?.address.clone();
let mut signin_input = SigninInput::new();
// NOTE: Some wallets require this field or the wallet adapter
// will return an error `MessageResponseMismatch` which is as
// a result of the sent message not corresponding with the signed message
// Get the public key in bytes of the connected
let signin_output = adapter.sign_in(&signin_input, public_key).await.unwrap();
Ok::<(), wallet_adapter::WalletError>(())
Sign In With Solana (SIWS) supports more options for the Sign In With Solana Standard. Check the methods on the [SigninInput] struct. NOTE that an error is thrown by the library in case the message signed, public key don't match or if the signature is not valid for the signing public key.
Sign Message
All messages must be UTF-8 encoded string of bytes
use wallet_adapter::{WalletAdapter, SigninInput};
async fn foo() -> wallet_adapter::WalletResult<()> {
let mut adapter = WalletAdapter::init()?;
// Check if the wallet supports signing a message
if adapter.solana_sign_message()? {
adapter.sign_message(b"SOLANA ROCKS!!!").await?;
}else {
// Tell user Sign message is not supported
Ok::<(), wallet_adapter::WalletError>(())
NOTE that an error is thrown by the library in case the message, public key don't match or if the signature is not valid for the signing public key.
Sign Transaction
Here, we simulate signing a SOL transfer instruction
use wallet_adapter::{WalletAdapter, Cluster, Utils,};
use solana_sdk::{
native_token::LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, pubkey::Pubkey, system_instruction, transaction::Transaction,
async fn foo() -> wallet_adapter::WalletResult<()> {
let mut adapter = WalletAdapter::init()?;
// Construct a transaction in a manner that the browser wallet extension
// can deserialize the transaction from bytes.
// Here we will use `solana-sdk` crate since it can be converted to
// bytes using a crate like `bincode` that understands serializing
// and deserializing the transaction to and from bytes.
// Get the public key bytes from the connected account
let public_key = adapter.connected_account()?.public_key;
// Convert the public key bytes of the sender to a `solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey`
let pubkey = Pubkey::new_from_array(public_key);
// Convert the public key bytes of the recipient to a `solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey`.
// Here we use `wallet_adapter::Utils::public_key_rand()` to generate unique public key bytes
// for testing. Make sure you use a valid public key with corresponding private key
// or your funds will be lost.
let recipient_pubkey = Pubkey::new_from_array(Utils::public_key_rand());
// How many SOL to send.
// The `solana_sdk::native_token::LAMPORTS_PER_SOL` constant contains the number of lamports
// equal to `1 SOL` so calculating `2 SOL` can be achieved using `2 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL`
// Create an instruction to transfer the SOL
let instr = system_instruction::transfer(&pubkey, &recipient_pubkey, sol);
// Create a new unsigned transaction
let tx = Transaction::new_with_payer(&[instr], Some(&pubkey));
// Serialize the transaction into bytes using `bincode`
let tx_bytes = bincode::serialize(&tx).unwrap();
// Specify to use devnet cluster
let cluster = Cluster::DevNet;
// You can check if a wallet is connected first to display
// a certain view to a user or make a user connect first if the account was disconnected
if adapter.is_connected() {
// Request the browser wallet to sign the transaction.
let output = adapter.sign_transaction(&tx_bytes, Some(cluster)).await?;
// Deserialize the signed transaction bytes back into a transaction
let deser_tx_output = bincode::deserialize::<Transaction>(&output[0]).unwrap();
Ok::<(), wallet_adapter::WalletError>(())
Remember to add the necessary dependencies for this part in the Cargo.toml
# Add these
solana-sdk = "2.1.2"
bincode = "1.3.3"
NOTE that if the signed transaction is verified by the library and an error is thrown in case of signature mismatch.
Sign And Send Transaction
Here, we simulate signing and sending a SOL transfer instruction
use std::str::FromStr;
use wallet_adapter::{WalletAdapter, Cluster, Utils, SendOptions};
use serde::Deserialize;
use solana_sdk::{
native_token::LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, pubkey::Pubkey, system_instruction, transaction::Transaction,
use wasm_bindgen_futures::JsFuture;
use web_sys::{wasm_bindgen::JsCast, Headers, Request, RequestInit, Response};
async fn foo() -> wallet_adapter::WalletResult<()> {
let mut adapter = WalletAdapter::init()?;
// The variables for the code is the same as the one for Sign Transaction
let public_key = adapter.connected_account()?.public_key;
let pubkey = Pubkey::new_from_array(public_key);
let recipient_pubkey = Pubkey::new_from_array(Utils::public_key_rand());
let instr = system_instruction::transfer(&pubkey, &recipient_pubkey, sol);
// This part is different from Sign Transaction above since we need a valid recent blockhash
// as part of the `SendAndSignTransaction` specification.
// First let's construct structs from serde that will allow us to deserialize the
// response of the recent blockhash from a Solana cluster
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Clone, Copy, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct GetBlockHashResponse<'a> {
pub jsonrpc: &'a str,
pub id: u8,
pub result: ResponseResult<'a>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Clone, Copy, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct ResponseResult<'a> {
pub context: Context<'a>,
pub value: ResponseValue<'a>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Clone, Copy, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Context<'a> {
pub api_version: &'a str,
pub slot: u64,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Clone, Copy, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct ResponseValue<'a> {
pub blockhash: &'a str,
pub last_valid_block_height: u64,
// Create code to use browser fetch API to request a recent blockhash from the
// Solana cluster, in our case Devnet cluster.
// NOTE: You can use other crates like `reqwest` and `gloo-net` do this. However,
// this example will use browser fetch API to give an example of how you would use
// Fetch API or when you don't want to add external dependencies to do this
async fn get_blockhash() -> solana_sdk::hash::Hash {
let devnet_uri = Cluster::DevNet.endpoint();
let body = jzon::object! {
// NOTE: You can use Reqwest crate instead to fetch the blockhash but
// this code shows how to use the browser `fetch` api
let headers = Headers::new().unwrap();
headers.append("content-type", "application/json").unwrap();
headers.append("Accept", "application/json").unwrap();
let opts = RequestInit::new();
let request = Request::new_with_str_and_init(&devnet_uri, &opts).unwrap();
let window = web_sys::window().unwrap();
let fetch_promise = window.fetch_with_request(&request);
// Await the fetch promise to get a `Response` object
let resp_value = JsFuture::from(fetch_promise).await.unwrap();
let resp = resp_value.dyn_into::<Response>().unwrap();
let body_as_str = JsFuture::from(resp.text().unwrap())
let deser = serde_json::from_str::<GetBlockHashResponse>(&body_as_str).unwrap();
// Create a new mutable unsigned transaction
let mut tx = Transaction::new_with_payer(&[instr], Some(&pubkey));
// You can check if a wallet is connected first to display
// a certain view to a user or make a user connect first if the account was disconnected
if adapter.is_connected() {
// Get the blockhash
let blockhash = get_blockhash().await;
// Add the blockhash to the transaction
tx.message.recent_blockhash = blockhash;
// Serialize the transaction into bytes
let tx_bytes = bincode::serialize(&tx).unwrap();
// Specify which options to pass to the browser wallet.
// Here we use default options
let send_options = SendOptions::default();
// Request the wallet to sign and send the transaction, returning the signature
let signature = adapter.sign_and_send_transaction(&tx_bytes, Cluster::DevNet, send_options).await?;
let signature_with_link = String::from("https://explorer.solana.com/tx/") + &Utils::base58_signature(signature).as_str() + "?cluster=devnet";
Ok::<(), wallet_adapter::WalletError>(())
Remember to add the necessary dependencies for this part in the Cargo.toml
# Add these
solana-sdk = "2.1.2"
bincode = "1.3.3"
jzon = "0.12.5"
serde_json = "1.0.133"
serde = { version = "1.0.215", features = ["derive"] }
NOTE that if the signed transaction is verified by the library and an error is thrown in case of signature mismatch.
Examples can be found at examples directory
Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- Register
custom event - App Ready
custom event - Wallet Info
- Wallet Account parsing
- Wallet Icon
- Chains
- Clusters
- Version (Semver Versionin)
- Features
- Connect Wallet
- Disconnect Wallet
- SignIn (Sign In With Solana SIWS)
- Sign Message
- Sign Transaction
- Sign and Send Transaction
- WebAssembly (No Frontend Framework)
- Sycamore
- Yew
- Dioxus
Template Examples
- WebAssembly (No Frontend Framework)
- Sycamore
- Yew
- Dioxus
- Install
toolchain to compile against for the browserrustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
- Install
to build Rust projects for Rust WebAssembly with no framework, Yew and Sycamore templates and examples. Dioxus template and examples require using the Dioxus cli which you can install from Dioxus Website. Follow the instructions from wasm-pack project https://rustwasm.github.io/wasm-pack/installer/
Template Usage
To add the library to any project Run
cargo add wallet-adapter
To get starter code for various templates, first install cargo generate
cargo install cargo-generate
Then run cargo generate --name temp-wasm https://github.com/JamiiDao/Solana-Rust-Wallet-Adapter-Templates <template subfolder name>
where <template subfolder name>
is the name of the directory containing the template. Examples:
- Dioxus template
cargo generate --name <project name> https://github.com/JamiiDao/Solana-Rust-Wallet-Adapter-Templates dioxus
- Yew template
cargo generate --name <project name> https://github.com/JamiiDao/Solana-Rust-Wallet-Adapter-Templates yew
- Sycamore Template
cargo generate --name <project name> https://github.com/JamiiDao/Solana-Rust-Wallet-Adapter-Templates sycamore
All templates can be found at [Solana-Rust-Wallet-Adapter-Templates(https://github.com/JamiiDao/Solana-Rust-Wallet-Adapter-Templates)
Running Dioxus examples and templates using Dioxus cli.
Install dioxus cli from https://dioxuslabs.com/.
Build, run and serve a dioxus project
dx serve --hot-reload
Templates like Yew and Sycamore don't come with there own build tool like Dioxus. For such templates install a server like miniserve
that supports sending the WebAssembly files to the browser with the MIME application/wasm
If you decided to use miniserve install with command
cargo install miniserve
Then compile the Rust code to wasm format using
wasm-pack build --dev --target web --out-name wasm --out-dir ./resources/pkg
This outputs all the wasm in the ./resources/pkg
Serve files
Install miniserve
crate or any other http serve that supports serving wasm files as application/wasm
miniserve -p 5500 ./resources --index index.html
Now the files are available at port localhost:5500.
The resources/index.html
can be used as a reference on how the wasm files are imported an initialized.
~298K SLoC