#open-xr #vulkan #xr #vk

bin+lib vkgen

Generates Rust source code from the Vulkan/OpenXR registry

13 stable releases

2.2.1 Jul 9, 2021
2.2.0 Mar 9, 2021
2.0.3 Apr 4, 2020
2.0.2 Feb 25, 2020
0.1.9 Feb 9, 2019

#98 in Graphics APIs

Download history 6/week @ 2024-12-08

79 downloads per month

MIT license



Generates Rust source code from the Vulkan/OpenXR registry.


General Information


This software is MIT licenced.

Dependencies and Requirements

Rust Version

The latest Rust version the generated code was tested with is 1.40 and 1.42-nightly.

Cargo Crates

log is used for logging.

libloading is used to load the Vulkan/OpenXR shared library, but the generated code can easily be modified to use something different.

The generator itself only uses serde for parsing the registry.

Environment (Shared Libraries etc.)

No C/C++ headers/source code or any binaries are required to compile and run the generated code, only the Vulkan/OpenXR shared library. (libvulkan.so on Linux and vulkan-1.dll on Win32)


No other dependencies are required to use the generated code, if the code fails to compile or crashes at runtime nonetheless and API misuse can be ruled out, please submit an issue on Gitlab.


$ vkgen <input file (optional)> [options]

If no input file is specified, the registry will be read from stdin.


  • --help, -h display the help page
  • --out=<output file>, -o=<output file> specify the output file If no output file is specified, the generated code will be written to <input file>.rs
  • --out-cargo=<output cargo file>, -oc=<output cargo file> specify the output cargo file If no output file is specified, the generated code will be written to <input file>.toml


$ vkgen ./vk.xml

# specify output files
$ vkgen ./vk.xml -out=vk.rs -out-cargo=vk.toml

# download the Vulkan registry and pipe it to vkgen
$ wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Headers/master/registry/vk.xml | vkgen

# download the OpenXR regsitry and pipe it to vkgen
$ wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KhronosGroup/OpenXR-SDK-Source/master/specification/registry/xr.xml | vkgen

Alter library loading method

If you do not want to use libloading, remove the dependency from the generated toml file and edit vkInit/xrInit to load the function pointers with your preferred method.


Function Loading

When a static function (functions that do not require a dispatchable handle to be passed) is called for the first time, the Vulkan/OpenXR shared library is loaded in vkInit/xrInit. To use non static functions, a dispatchable handle needs to be wrapped with VkXxxImpl::new(handle) or XrXxxImpl::new(handle).

Wrapper Structs


Wrapper structs are generated for all disptachable handles, containing a function table or pointing to the function table of their parent handle. When a wrapper method is called, the equivalent function in the function table is dispatched. The wrapper methods' signatures only differ from the ones in the table in slice parameters that can not be null, where the functions in the table take a pointer and a length, but the wrapper methods take a slice, to provide some safety. No other safety guards are provided.

Method Tables

The special wrappers VkInstanceImpl, VkDeviceImpl and XrInstanceImpl will populate a table with function pointers obtained via vkGetInstanceProcAddr, vkGetDeviceProcAddr and xrGetInstanceProcAddr, respectively, on creation.


All wrapper structs implement Debug for debugging purposes obviously and Deref/DerefMut, to access the wrapped handles. The table entries are not pub and thus cannot be accessed but with the wrapper methods.

Structs and Enums

All structs and enums implement Copy, Clone, Default and Debug for convenience.

Common Mistakes

Initializing a struct with a member that is a pointer to an array might cause undefined behaviour:

// never do this

VkSomeStruct {
    arrayLen: 0,
    pArray:   [
        // some elements
    ].as_ptr() // <-- the slice will be dropped here, as it is no longer required,
               //     this sometimes only happens when the release target is built
               //     and is thus very hard to debug

// always do this

let array = [
    // some elements

VkSomeStruct {
    arrayLen: array.len() as _,
    pArray:   array.as_ptr() // the slice is not dropped, because the declaration
                             // is in the outer scope

Enum Bitfields

Since some enums represent bits in a bitfield, that can be combined, variants have to be casted to u32 in order to use them.


Struct Bitfields

Newer versions of the Vulkan Registry contain structures with C bitfields. Since Rust does not support such bitfields, these structs are generated incorrectly and should thus not be used. As of Mar 2021, only VkAccelerationStructureInstanceKHR is affected.


The enums VkResult and XrResult implement Error and ops::Try, which means they can be used with the ? operator. To utilize this, a nightly compiler is required and the try_trait feature must be enabled.

VkInstanceImpl::create(&info, allocator, &mut instance)?; // <-- returns early if the result was an error

Versions and Extensions

Almost every command has a #[cfg(feature = "VK_VERSION_X_X")] or #[cfg(feature = "VK_SOME_FEATURE_KHR"")] attribute, which means in order to use this command a feature must be enabled. The versions of the Vulkan API, VK_VERSION_1_0, VK_VERSION_1_1 and VK_VERSION_1_2, are enabled by default.


The type of constants will be inferred by looking at their values. If the generator fails to infer the type, u32 will be used instead. This might result in constants with a wrong type, which prevents them from being passed to functions or used in structs. In this case, please submit an issue on Gitlab.

Using Strings

All strings in Vulkan/OpenXR are null-terminated *const u8s. The wrapper does not convert between Rust's and Vulkan's string representations, all strings passed to or returned from functions or structs have to be converted by the user.


This simple example demonstrates how to output the instance version (1.1.0) and create an instance. vk.rs is the file containing the generated Rust source code. The shared library will be loaded on the first method call (VkInstanceImpl::enumerateVersion in this case).


name = "vkgen_test"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["tobias"]
edition = "2018"

default = ["VK_VERSION_1_0", "VK_VERSION_1_1"]
VK_VERSION_1_0 = []
VK_VERSION_1_1 = []

libloading = "0.5.0"


mod vk;

use self::vk::*;
use std::ptr::null;

fn main() {
    let mut v: u32 = 0;
    VkInstanceImpl::enumerateVersion(&mut v);
    println!("vulkan instance version is {}.{}.{}", VK_VERSION_MAJOR(v), VK_VERSION_MINOR(v), VK_VERSION_PATCH(v));
    let instance_info = VkInstanceCreateInfo {
        sType:                   VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO,
        pNext:                   null(),
        flags:                   0,
        pApplicationInfo: &VkApplicationInfo {
            sType:              VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_APPLICATION_INFO,
            pNext:              null(),
            pApplicationName:   "test app\0".as_ptr(),
            applicationVersion: VK_MAKE_VERSION(0, 0, 1),
            pEngineName:        "test engine\0".as_ptr(),
            engineVersion:      VK_MAKE_VERSION(0, 0, 1),
            apiVersion:         VK_MAKE_VERSION(1, 1, 0),
        enabledLayerCount:       0,
        ppEnabledLayerNames:     null(),
        enabledExtensionCount:   0,
        ppEnabledExtensionNames: null()
    let mut instance = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
    if VkInstanceImpl::create(&instance_info, null(), &mut instance) != VK_SUCCESS {
        panic!("something went wrong :-/");
    let instance = unsafe { VkInstanceImpl::new(instance) };


~21K SLoC