#version-control #scm #control-system

bin+lib vcsq-cli

vcsq (vcsQuery): Version Control System (VCS) Querying CLI

1 unstable release

0.4.0 Jan 8, 2025

#2087 in Development tools



vcsq: VCSquery - Version Control System (VCS) Querying CLI

vcsq tries to answer a small set of generic questions about "any" type of VCS repo, without making you think about the particular flavor of VCS at play.

This repo lives at https://gitlab.com/jzacsh/vcsq

Project Status

Build Status shows e2e tests' status.

Status: While I can already make use of this project for the original goals I had, it's still a WIP as I tweak what the "right way" to do some rust/cargo things is, and implement some last features and documentation (more TODOs below).

Design & Goals

Goal: answer basic introspective questions about a repo/directory.

This very much inspired by the use-case of the popular vcprompt CLI I've been using for years via my $PS1, but also by APIs I've frequently[^freq] wanted for scripting purposes. Each of those APIs I wished for is now outlined in this codebase's QueryCmd enum of in the namesake reference binary (at ./vcsq-cli/src/lib.rs).

The goal is to have coverage for the popular VCS I personally encounter regularly, like git, hg, jj, but I tried to make it as biolerplate-free as possible to add new ones. So contributions of new VCS coverage is welcome, just chat with me about it first to avoid any miss-spent time.


TODO: (feature) outline installation, and super-basic $PS1 bash integration.

Shelling Out

Ultimately this is just like a shell script: it's relying on the CLI of the VCS actually being in your $PATH, and interacting with it as such. I think it'd be fun to explore calling the VCS's own libraries at some point, and I tried to write the library with that in mind from the start. But that's probably as or less important than tying up some loose ends I stlil have (TODOs below like a few more features I wnat, some rust/cargo questions I'm unclear on, and a few techdebt TODOs).


The codebase is a library (./vcsq-lib/) and its dependent: a CLI at ./vcsq-cli/. Directly point the CLI to the local lib, to continue lib development (ie: locally undo ef5ffbc6).

Since logic in vcsq-lib/ is designed for its only client (vcsq-cli/), that client's e2e tests are the test coverage for this entire codebase, so local development just involves producing a debug binary and making sure you haven't broken tests:

$ RUST_BACKTRACE=full cargo watch test --workspace --color=always -- --nocapture
# ...

In a second terminal I ensure the binary is being continuously rebuilt:

$ RUSTFLAGS='-Ddeprecated -Dwarnings' cargo watch \
  -x build \
  -x 'clippy --workspace --all -- -W clippy::pedantic -Dwarnings -Ddeprecated' \
  -x 'doc --workspace --all-features'

# ...
# can also be tacked onto the previous command via another '-x build' arg at the
# before the test args, but then you get the issue of too-many-lines-output when
# there's compiler errors you're trying to read.


e2e tests of the CLI binary, in vcsq-cli/tests/, are the strategy for the moment; they cover every API that vcsq-lib/ is meant to offer.

Gitlab servers also runs this suite on every merge to main, via .gitlab-ci.yml instructions. The results can be seen at: https://gitlab.com/jzacsh/vcsq/-/jobs

Test Coverage

cargo-llvm-cov is used to instrument the e2e tests, and the results are simply dumped as text (for now), which can be read in the CI/CD output. To understand the output, according to llvm-cov:

The basic content of an .gcov output file is a copy of the source file with an execution count and line number prepended to every line. The execution count is shown as - if a line does not contain any executable code. If a line contains code but that code was never executed, the count is displayed as #####

So to see untested lines, just ^F for " |0" in the output.


  • cleanup/finish rename of objects to vcsq (from old vcst) (and also just stop prefixing any internal objects with the library's name; idk why the heck I did that).
  • finish tail-end of feature-set: see lines in vcsq-cli/src/lib.rs disabled in release
    • try cargo build --release to turn these back off
    • in the meantime: dbug build via: cargo run -- to run, cargo build
    • grep -C 1 -rnE '\b(todo|unimplemented|panic|expect)!' vcsq-{lib,cli}/src to hunt down tasks build (because they just todo!(), hidden via #[cfg(debug_assertions)])
  • feature: my own vcs o use-case, more fully-realized (might require a good number of flags).
  • feature/ui: clean up subcmds (and awkard second --dir). maybe add aliases for terser interactions
  • techdebt/rust question: merge the two folders vcsq-lib/ and vcsq-cli/ into root? any downsides one way or the other? maybe one makes crates.io usage harder? I guess separated they have clearer deps-attribution?
    • answer currently migrating to cargo workspaces feature
  • setup a Github mirror via gitlab's mechanism have one crate when published).
  • techdebt/rust-question: cleanup some of the error enums that aren't being fully utilized (eg: some that default to map_err() to Unknown-fallbackish variants). This is because some of the better alternatives were only added later (eg: RepoLoadError::Stderr) which could fix some
  • techdbt: make it easier to develop by setting up a nix flake that installs all the deps (then cleanup the gitlab CI to use that flow too).

v1.0.0 Blockers

  • the TODOs section above.
  • pull adapters mod out of vcsq-lib so they can have higher churn. but not before 1.0, because that just wlil make it more difficult to develop the two in tandem.

[^freq]: See the three predecessors/mini-libs that inspired this one, at: vcsq of gitlab.com/jzacsh/dotfiles (ref) and at vcs.sh of gitlab.com/jzacsh/yabashlib (ref) and gitlab.com/jzacsh/jzach.gitlab.io


Apache v2.


~38K SLoC