Cargo Features

ubench = { version = "0.0.0-alpha0", default-features = false, features = ["all", "std", "unicode-width", "cortex-m", "riscv", "embedded-time", "metrics", "embedded-hal", "json", "reporters"] }
default = embedded-hal, json

These default features are set whenever ubench is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

all = metrics, reporters, std
std all? = unicode-width

Gates both Metric and Reporter impls

Enables supports-colors of owo-colors ^3.4, std of optional serde

unicode-width std?

Enables unicode-width

For better aligned output

cortex-m metrics?

For Metric impls:

Enables cortex-m

riscv metrics?

Enables riscv ^0.8

embedded-time metrics?

generic; embedded-time::Clock based

Enables embedded-time

metrics all? = cortex-m, embedded-time, riscv
embedded-hal default reporters?

For Reporter impls:

Enables embedded-hal ^0.2 and nb

json default reporters?

Enables serde

reporters all? = embedded-hal, json