#contact #json-format #convert-json #numbers #city #email #birth-date

bin+lib ua_contact_book

Parser, which take file filled with lines of contact and converts it into JSON format

3 releases

0.1.2 Nov 9, 2024
0.1.1 Nov 9, 2024
0.1.0 Nov 9, 2024

#949 in Parser implementations

Download history 287/week @ 2024-11-08 21/week @ 2024-11-15 2/week @ 2024-11-22 21/week @ 2024-11-29 30/week @ 2024-12-06

80 downloads per month

MIT license

134 lines


Crates: https://crates.io/crates/ua_contact_book Docs: https://docs.rs/ua_contact_book/latest/ua_contact_book/ (rules description in Enum Rule)

Parser written with Rust and pest create to convert contact data to json format

Parsing data

File for parsing

Currently, the program parses data from the file used in generate_contact(). That is, test.txt

The file for parsing should have the following structure:

full_name; city; birth_date; phone_numbers; email
full_name; city; birth_date; phone_numbers; email

Grammar rules


This rule used to parse full_name properly: as soon, as this project oriented for ukrainian audience full_name contains Cyrillic letters, gaps and dot("Роберт Дауні мол.")

name = {(CYRILLIC|"."|" "|"'")+}

Роберт Дауні мол.
Іван Іванеко


This rule designed to parse contact's city: in this program city have name part(Cyrillic letters and gaps) and zip-code part(5-digit number) divided with coma and gaps

city = {((CYRILLIC|"."|"'")+~" "*)*~","~ " "*~ASCII_DIGIT{5}}

Київ, 00001
Бровари, 07400


This rule was writen to parse birthdate with next structure:

birth_date = {ASCII_DIGIT{2} ~ (("." ~  ASCII_DIGIT{2} ~ ".")|("/" ~  ASCII_DIGIT{2} ~ "/")) ~ (ASCII_DIGIT{4})}



Rule for parsing single ukrainian phone number. Each ukrainian number starts with 0 or +380, then non-zero digit and 8 digits after.

number = {("+38")? ~ "0"~ ASCII_NONZERO_DIGIT ~ ASCII_DIGIT{8}}



As long as person can own more than 1 phone number, phone numbers can be written with coma separation and gaps

numbers = {number ~ (" "* ~","~ " "* ~ number)*}

0xxxxxxxxx, +380xxxxxxxxx,+380xxxxxxxxx ,  +380xxxxxxxxx


Rule for parsing email. According to standard, max email length - 254 symbols, where part before "@" up to 64 symbols, that can be ASCII_DIGIT, ASCII_ALPHA or dot. After "@" length can be from 5 symbols up to 189, that can be ASCII_DIGIT, ASCII_ALPHA or dot.

email = {(ASCII_ALPHA|"."|ASCII_DIGIT){1, 64} ~ "@" ~ (ASCII_ALPHA|"."|ASCII_DIGIT){5, 189}}



Rule that contain previous rules and combines it into one.

contact = {name ~ " "* ~";"~ " "* ~city~ " "* ~";"~ " "* ~birth_date ~ " "* ~";"~ " "* ~numbers ~ " "* ~";"~ " "* ~ email}

name; city; date; numbers; email
Олексій Ігорович; Львів, 79000; 12/04/1985; +380961234567, 0951234567; oleksii@example.com


Rule that parse multiple contacts in file separated with NEWLINE

file = { SOI ~ (contact ~ NEWLINE*)* ~ EOI }


Processing parsed data

After parsing data converts into JSON format. Here is part of current test result test.txt

                "full_name": "Мар'яна ЄҐЇ",
                "city": "Бровари, 07400",
                "birth_date": "06/06/2006",
                "contacts": {
                        "phone_numbers": ["+380904652439", "0904652439"],
                        "email": "user@exam.pl"
                "full_name": "Олексій Ігорович",
                "city": "Львів, 79000",
                "birth_date": "12/04/1985",
                "contacts": {
                        "phone_numbers": ["+380961234567", "0951234567"],
                        "email": "oleksii@example.com"
                "full_name": "Катерина Михайлівна",
                "city": "Ужгород, 88000",
                "birth_date": "05/05/1991",
                "contacts": {
                        "phone_numbers": ["+380939876543"],
                        "email": "kateryna@example.com"


~58K SLoC