1 unstable release

0.0.0 Apr 9, 2023

#174 in #view

34 downloads per month

MIT license

486 lines

Tuit (pronounced To-It, or Toy-t)

The TUI lib for the no_std, no_alloc hard-mode Rust user!

Tuit does not provide a complete suite of utilities to handle terminals. It can be considered the 'view' component of the MVC architecture, since it only deals with the display of terminal objects.



Tuit is a no_std TUI library intended for use in bare-metal applications

Tuit is meant to be the successor to my (very infant) library made to fill the same gap called Tooey.

Tooey relied upon alloc and was generally not very easy-to-use, well-documented or extensible. Tuit is made to change that, using the lessons learnt from Tooey.

The crate's prelude includes items that you'd usually want imported in a project that uses Tuit.

*This module is intended to be glob-imported.


~25K SLoC