#thread-safe #static #lazy-evaluation #lazy-static #aid #accessing #struct

nightly ts_static

Wrapper macro for lazy static and a struct to aid in accessing a static in a thread safe way

8 releases

0.3.0 Sep 24, 2020
0.2.0 Sep 17, 2020
0.1.5 Sep 17, 2020

#2790 in Rust patterns


237 lines


Wrapper macro for lazy_static! and a struct to aid in accessing a static in a thread safe way.

Can be used in global scope or in module scope.

Requires lazy_static imported to the scope where ts_static is used


ts_static!(STATIC_NAME, Type);


ts_static!(MY_STATIC_NAME, i32);

Static is set to a ThreadSafeStruct<T>.

To set the value use the set member function.

To work with the value use the with member function.

You can access the mutex field directly value but the helpers should be suffice for most needs

Set value


Use value

MY_STATIC_NAME.with(|value| {
    *value += 1 
}).expect(".with failed");

Clear value



There are two helper functions if your T is a HashMap:

  • insert(key, value) - Adds or updates a value
  • remove(key) - Gets and removes a value

These function much like the HashMap type but are guaranteed to be thread safe.

