#language #specification #emoji #logic #operator #formula #truemoji

yanked truemoji-core

Core library for the Truemoji language specification

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 21, 2023

#40 in #formula

Used in truemoji

MIT license

560 lines

Truemoji Core

This library contains the core specification and implementation of the Truemoji language, which is a language for describing propositional logic. TLDR: I replaced the propositional logic operators with emojis!

Truemoji Language Specification

<iff> := <implies> 🤝 <iff> | <implies>
<implies> := <or> 👉 <iff> | <or>
<or> := <and> 🙌 <or> | <and>
<and> := <not> 👏 <and> | <not>
<not> := 🚫 <formula> | <formula>
<formula> := [A-Za-z0-9] | 👍 | 👎 | 😮 <iff> 😶

Resources Consulted

Crate Contents

This crate implements a lexer, parser, and abstract syntax tree (AST) for the Truemoji language. The truth values for ASTs can be evaluated as long as each formula has an boolean value associated with it.


~44K SLoC