#tracing #logging-tracing #logging #tracing-subscriber #fmt #diagnostics #format

deprecated tracing-fmt

A tracing subscriber that formats and logs trace data. Moved to the tracing-subscriber crate.

4 releases

0.1.1 Sep 4, 2019
0.1.0 Jun 27, 2019
0.0.1-alpha.3 Aug 13, 2019
0.0.1-alpha.2 Aug 1, 2019
0.0.1-alpha.1 Jul 19, 2019

#57 in #fmt

Download history 293/week @ 2024-03-03 456/week @ 2024-03-10 545/week @ 2024-03-17 269/week @ 2024-03-24 397/week @ 2024-03-31 442/week @ 2024-04-07 346/week @ 2024-04-14 465/week @ 2024-04-21 602/week @ 2024-04-28 387/week @ 2024-05-05 347/week @ 2024-05-12 352/week @ 2024-05-19 138/week @ 2024-05-26 458/week @ 2024-06-02 683/week @ 2024-06-09 420/week @ 2024-06-16

1,705 downloads per month
Used in 2 crates

MIT license

12K SLoC


Note: This library is now part of the tracing-subscriber crate. This crate now re-exports its public API from tracing-subscriber. Using tracing-fmt is now deprecated; users are encouraged to use the APIs in this library from their new home in tracing-subscriber::fmt.

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tracing is a framework for instrumenting Rust programs with context-aware, structured, event-based diagnostic information. This crate provides an implementation of the Subscriber trait that records tracing's Events and Spans by formatting them as text and logging them to stdout.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in Tracing by you, shall be licensed as MIT, without any additional terms or conditions.


~26K SLoC