0.1.0 Oct 12, 2021

#13 in #etw


99 lines


Emit ETW events in tracing-enabled Rust applications.

This crate depends on rust_win_etw.

There are four ETW events.

fn NewSpan(span_id: u64, name: &str, file: &str, line: u32);
fn EnterSpan(span_id: u64);
fn ExitSpan(span_id: u64);
fn Event(span_id: u64, message: &str);

Collecting a Rust ETW trace

We are going to use PerfView to collect a tracing-etw enabled Rust program.

  1. Build your app with cargo build. To build the example, cargo build --example test.

  2. Open PerfView.exe.

  3. In the menu bar, Collect > Run.

  4. Enter your program's location in the Command box

  5. Choose Advanced options.

  6. The upper part of the Advanced options area includes check boxes and fields that specify the providers from which to collect event trace data. For now, Uncheck all.

  7. In Additional Providers, enter 9c211c60-a6bc-43c3-8d4d-232c121b1852. This is the GUID of the tracing-etw provider.

  8. Click Run Command


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