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0.4.1 Feb 23, 2020
0.3.2 Oct 16, 2018
0.3.0 Sep 11, 2018
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#1349 in Encoding

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Used in libdeadmock


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Linux: Build Status

Generate runtime specific configuration from TOML files.


tomlenv allows you to drive your environment configuration from TOML. The Environments struct holds a reference from your environment hierarchy to the configuraion associated with that particular enviornment i.e.

  • prod_key -> prod_config
  • stage_key -> stage_config
  • dev_key -> dev_config

On the key side, you can use the Environment hierarchy defined by this library (Prod -> Stage -> Test -> Dev -> Local), or you can define your own custom hierarchy to use with the Environments struct. If your define a custom hierarchy you must implement the Deserialize, Serialize, Ord, PartialOrd, and TryFrom<String> traits. See more in the Custom Environment Hierarchy section below.


First, define a struct that represents your environment configuration. For items that appear in one environment, but not another, use Option. See the key field in the example below.

Second, generate a Reader from your TOML. Normally, the TOML would be defined as a Path, and used with the from_path method. You can also supply a generic Read implementation to the from_reader method, as below.

Third, deserialize the TOML into your Environments struct. At this point, you can use the current method to access your environment config for the environment specified by the environment variable env.

/// Define your environment specific configuration.
/// *NOTE*: This must implement `Deserialize` and `Serialize`
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Getters, Serialize)]
struct MyAppEnv {
  /// The display name of this environment.
  name: String,
  /// The secret key only used in the Prod environment.
  key: Option<String>,

/// Grab your environment TOML.  This would usually be in a file and can
/// be read to a string such as below.
let toml = r#"[envs.prod]
name = "Production"
key = "abcd-123-efg-45"

name = "Stage"

name = "Test"

name = "Development"

name = "Local"

// Deserialize the TOML config into your environment structs.  This example
// is using the `Enrivorment` hierarchy supplied by the library.
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(toml);
let envs: Environments<Environment, MyAppEnv> = Environments::from_reader(&mut cursor)?;

// Check the `Production` environment.
env::set_var("env", "prod");
let mut current = envs.current()?;
assert_eq!(current.name(), "Production");
assert_eq!(current.key(), &Some("abcd-123-efg-45".to_string()));

// Switch to the `Development` environment.
env::set_var("env", "dev");
current = envs.current()?;
assert_eq!(current.name(), "Development");
assert_eq!(current.key(), &None);

Custom Environment Hierarchy

If you wish to forego using the Environment hierarchy supplied by this library, implement a custom hierarchy instead. There are a few traits you must implement in order to work with Environments.


  • Deserialize and Serialize: These are required to translate to/from TOML.
  • Ord and PartialOrd: These are required to maintain proper ordering for your hierarchy and ensure serialized TOML is always in the same order.
  • TryFrom<String>: This is used to translate the environment variable env into your hierarchy type.


  • Display: Used to convert your hierarchy type to a formatted string. Useful if you need to show what environment you are using.
  • TryFrom<&'a str>: In this case, used by the custom deserializer.

Below is an example of a custom hierarchy. This example has a custom serializer/deserializer, but that shouldn't be necessary in all cases.

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub enum MyHierarchy {
    /// Production
    /// Certification
    /// Sandbox
    /// Local

impl fmt::Display for MyHierarchy {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let env = match *self {
            MyHierarchy::Prod => "prod",
            MyHierarchy::Cert => "ce",
            MyHierarchy::Sandbox => "sb",
            MyHierarchy::Local => "local",
        write!(f, "{}", env)

impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a str> for MyHierarchy {
    type Error = Error;

    fn try_from(env: &str) -> Result<Self> {
        match env {
            "prod" => Ok(MyHierarchy::Prod),
            "ce" => Ok(MyHierarchy::Cert),
            "sb" => Ok(MyHierarchy::Sandbox),
            "local" => Ok(MyHierarchy::Local),
            _ => Err(Error::invalid_runtime_environment(env)),

impl TryFrom<String> for MyHierarchy {
    type Error = Error;

    fn try_from(env: String) -> Result<Self> {
        match &env[..] {
            "prod" => Ok(MyHierarchy::Prod),
            "ce" => Ok(MyHierarchy::Cert),
            "sb" => Ok(MyHierarchy::Sandbox),
            "local" => Ok(MyHierarchy::Local),
            _ => Err(Error::invalid_runtime_environment(&env)),

impl Serialize for MyHierarchy {
    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> std::result::Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
        S: Serializer,

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for MyHierarchy {
    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> std::result::Result<MyHierarchy, D::Error>
        D: Deserializer<'de>,
        struct MyHierarchyVisitor;

        impl<'de> de::Visitor<'de> for MyHierarchyVisitor {
            type Value = MyHierarchy;

            fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
                formatter.write_str("any valid environment")

            fn visit_str<E>(self, value: &str) -> std::result::Result<MyHierarchy, E>
                E: de::Error,


#[derive(Debug, De, Getters, Ser)]
struct MyAppEnv {
  /// The display name of this environment.
  name: String,
  /// The secret key only used in the Prod environment.
  key: Option<String>,

/// Grab your environment TOML.  This would usually be in a file and can
/// be read to a string such as below.
let toml = r#"[envs.prod]
name = "Production"
key = "abcd-123-efg-45"

name = "Certification"

name = "Sandbox"

name = "Local"

// Deserialize the TOML config into your environment structs.  This example
// is using the custom `MyHierarchy` hierarchy.
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(toml);
let envs: Environments<MyHierarchy, MyAppEnv> = Environments::from_reader(&mut cursor)?;

// Check the `Production` environment.
env::set_var("env", "prod");
let mut current = envs.current()?;
assert_eq!(current.name(), "Production");
assert_eq!(current.key(), &Some("abcd-123-efg-45".to_string()));

// Switch to the `Sandbox` environment.
env::set_var("env", "sb");
current = envs.current()?;
assert_eq!(current.name(), "Sandbox");
assert_eq!(current.key(), &None);

fn main() {


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