#serialization #toml #pretty #array #value #structs #tabs


a function to pretty serialize a serde-serializable value to toml

10 releases (stable)

1.1.2 Jun 11, 2024
1.0.3 Jun 11, 2024
0.3.0 Jun 11, 2024
0.2.0 Jun 11, 2024
0.1.0 Jun 10, 2024

#1206 in Encoding

Download history 700/week @ 2024-06-10 17/week @ 2024-06-17 40/week @ 2024-07-01 1/week @ 2024-07-15 71/week @ 2024-07-29 37/week @ 2024-08-05 44/week @ 2024-08-12 4/week @ 2024-08-19 9/week @ 2024-08-26

94 downloads per month

MIT license

210 lines


A function to pretty serialize a serde-serializable value to toml.

Can serialize structs to toml in a single block (unlike the toml crate, which is great for deserialization but not so great for pretty serialization)

Nested array fields more than 2 arrays deep are not supported.

Note. All items in arrays are on a new line and indented. toml_pretty::to_string uses \t by default as tab. An alternal tab symbol can be used (eg. 2 spaces) using the Options (shown in example).


Given serializable structs:

struct User {
  name: String,
  nicknames: Vec<String>,
  birthday: Birthday,
  more: Vec<Birthday>,

struct Birthday {
  day: u8,
  month: u8,
  year: u16,

Can use toml_pretty::to_string:

let user = User {
	name: String::from("Jonathan"),
	nicknames: vec![String::from("Jack"), String::from("Jon")],
	birthday: Birthday {
		day: 0,
		month: 0,
		year: 1980,
	more: vec![
		Birthday {
			day: 0,
			month: 0,
			year: 1980,
		Birthday {
			day: 0,
			month: 0,
			year: 1980,
	toml_pretty::to_string(&user, toml_pretty::Options::default().tab("  "))
		.context("failed to serialize user pretty")


~59K SLoC