2 unstable releases

0.25.0-alpha Dec 25, 2023
0.24.1 Dec 21, 2023

#668 in Asynchronous

Download history 4044/week @ 2024-03-24 348/week @ 2024-03-31 1430/week @ 2024-04-07 4017/week @ 2024-04-14 4579/week @ 2024-04-21 513/week @ 2024-04-28 33/week @ 2024-05-05 664/week @ 2024-05-12 179/week @ 2024-05-19 134/week @ 2024-05-26 630/week @ 2024-06-02 592/week @ 2024-06-09 1401/week @ 2024-06-16 152/week @ 2024-06-23 21/week @ 2024-06-30 742/week @ 2024-07-07

2,317 downloads per month
Used in mysql_async_wasi


1.5K SLoC


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Asynchronous TLS/SSL streams for Tokio using Rustls.

Basic Structure of a Client

use rustls_pki_types::ServerName;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use tokio_rustls::rustls::{ClientConfig, RootCertStore};
use tokio_rustls::TlsConnector;

// ...

let mut root_cert_store = RootCertStore::empty();
let config = ClientConfig::builder()
let connector = TlsConnector::from(Arc::new(config));
let dnsname = ServerName::try_from("www.rust-lang.org").unwrap();

let stream = TcpStream::connect(&addr).await?;
let mut stream = connector.connect(dnsname, stream).await?;

// ...

Client Example Program

See examples/client.rs. You can run it with:

cargo run --example client -- hsts.badssl.com

Server Example Program

See examples/server.rs. You can run it with:

cargo run --example server -- --cert mycert.der --key mykey.der

License & Origin

This project is licensed under either of

at your option.

This started as a fork of tokio-tls.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in tokio-rustls by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


~164K SLoC