#ast #syntax-tree #grammar #abstract #generate #file


generate Abstract Syntax Tree(ast) by grammar file

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Mar 18, 2024

#13 in #abstract

Download history 137/week @ 2024-03-18 19/week @ 2024-04-01

156 downloads per month



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generate Abstract Syntax Tree by grammar file.

quick start

a regular expression describes the format of grammars:

keywords of statement : -> ; : # nfa(s,t) regexp

keywords of regular expression:  ()[]''?*+-{}\s

default terminal grammar: Epsilon

default nonterminal grammar: augmentedNonterminal

format of grammar's definition : nameOfGrammar [nfa(start,end) regexp() greediness() laziness() ] : regularExpression [-> skip] ;

The grammar file should be encoded in 8bits(iso-8859-1) format.

each token separated by white spaces.tokens include //, /*, */, :, ; and regExpUnit.

content of grammar file like this;

@StartGrammar compilationUnit ;

@NonterminalGrammar begin ;
    :   assignmentExpression
    |   argumentExpressionList ',' assignmentExpression
@NonterminalGrammar end ;

@TerminalGrammar begin ;
Int : 'int' ;
@TerminalGrammar end ;

@TerminalFragmentGrammar begin ;
	: 	'\r'? '\n'
@TerminalFragmentGrammar end ;

@RootKeyWord Identifier ;

@KeyWord begin ;
If : 'if' ;
@KeyWord end ;

java -jar titan-ast.jar -grammarFilePath D:/github-pro/titan/titan-ast/test/c/C.grammar -sourceFilePath D:/github-pro/titan/titan-ast/test/c/helloworld.c --graphicalViewOfAst

java -jar titan-ast.jar -grammarFilePath D:/github-pro/titan/titan-ast/test/c/C.grammar -persistentAutomataFilePath D:/github-pro/titan/titan-ast/test/c/automata.data

java -jar titan-ast.jar -automataFilePath D:/github-pro/titan/titan-ast/test/c/automata.data -sourceFilePath D:/github-pro/titan/titan-ast/test/c/helloworld.c --graphicalViewOfAst

import titan-ast.jar and using it like this:

    String automataFilePath = "D:/github-pro/titan/titan-ast/test/c/automata.data";
    String sourceCodeFilePath = "D:/github-pro/titan/titan-ast/test/c/helloworld.c";

    RuntimeAutomataAstApplication runtimeAstApplication =
        new RuntimeAutomataAstApplication(automataFilePath);

    Ast ast = runtimeAstApplication.buildAst(sourceCodeFilePath);

reporting vulnerabilities

titan takes security issues very seriously. If you have any concerns about titan-ast or believe you have uncovered a vulnerability, please get in touch via the QQ group chatting room 214515321 or the e-mail address 1932252321@qq.com. In the message, try to provide a description of the issue and ideally a way of reproducing it. i will get back to you as soon as possible.


  • Alfred V.Aho,Ravi Sethi,Jeffrey D.Ullman.Compilers: Principles,Techniques,and Tools.

No runtime deps