#ipc #unix #unix-domain-socket #sockets #file-descriptor #system


Minimal wrapper for using sockets as IPC with file descriptor passing

5 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.2.2 Oct 1, 2022
0.2.1 Aug 21, 2022
0.2.0 Jun 6, 2022
0.1.1 Nov 24, 2019
0.1.0 Jun 9, 2018

#1081 in Unix APIs

Used in lxtrace


329 lines

unlicense crates.io


A small and convenient Rust library for using (UNIX domain) sockets for simple synchronous IPC.

  • Socket::new_socketpair makes a socketpair with the settings you want (AF_UNIX/SOCK_SEQPACKET/CLOEXEC), but you can use FromRawFd of course
  • if you want to poll (using poll, select, kqueue, epoll, abstractions like mio, etc.), get the fd using AsRawFd
  • all send/recv methods allow file descriptor (fd) passing
  • you can send/recv raw iovecs (scatter-gather vectors), buffers, structs and serde-serialized objects
  • serde is optional, select a Cargo feature for the format you want (ser_cbor, ser_json, ser_bincode)


extern crate tiny_nix_ipc;
use tiny_nix_ipc::Socket;

Create a socket pair:

let (mut prnt, mut chld) = Socket::new_socketpair().unwrap();

Make a socket non-CLOEXEC (e.g. if you want to fork/exec a different program that should inherit the socket):


Send bytes:

let data = [0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF];
let sent_bytes = prnt.send_slice(&data[..], None).unwrap();
// sent_bytes == 4

Receive bytes:

let mut rdata = [0; 4];
let (recvd_bytes, rfds) = chld.recv_into_slice::<[RawFd; 0]>(&mut rdata[..]).unwrap();
// recvd_bytes == 4, rfds == None

Send bytes with a file descriptor (shmemfdrs creates an anonymous file, used as an example here, can be any descriptor of course):

let fd = shmemfdrs::create_shmem(CString::new("/test").unwrap(), 123);
let data = [0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF];
let sent_bytes = prnt.send_slice(&data[..], Some(&[fd])).unwrap();
// sent_bytes == 4

Receive bytes and the file descriptor:

let mut rdata = [0; 4];
let (recvd_bytes, rfds) = chld.recv_into_slice::<[RawFd; 1]>(&mut rdata[..]).unwrap();
// recvd_bytes == 4, rfds == Some([6])

Send a struct, just as its raw bytes (does not work with pointers/references/boxes/etc.!):

struct TestStruct {
    one: i8,
    two: u32,

let data = TestStruct { one: -65, two: 0xDEADBEEF, };
let _ = prnt.send_struct(&data, None).unwrap();

Receive a struct:

let (rdata, rfds) = chld.recv_struct::<TestStruct, [RawFd; 0]>().unwrap();
// rdata == TestStruct { one: -65, two: 0xDEADBEEF, }, rfds == None

Send a Serde-serializable value serialized as CBOR (via serde_cbor):

tiny-nix-ipc = { version = "0", features = ["ser_cbor"] }
use serde_cbor::value::Value;
let data = Value::U64(123456); // can be your Serializable
let sent_bytes = prnt.send_cbor(&data, None).unwrap();
// sent_bytes == 4

Receive a Serde-deserializable value serialized as CBOR:

let (rdata, rfds) = chld.recv_cbor::<Value, [RawFd; 0]>(24).unwrap();
// rdata == Value::U64(123456)


Please feel free to submit pull requests!

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The list of contributors is available on GitHub.


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
For more information, please refer to the UNLICENSE file or unlicense.org.


~114K SLoC