#timezone #conversion #time #convert


A timezone conversion library that handles timezone conversions and information

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Nov 5, 2024

#314 in Date and time

MIT license

100 lines

Timezone Converter

A Rust library for handling timezone conversions and retrieving timezone information with ease. This library wraps around chrono and chrono-tz to provide a simple interface for working with timezones.


  • Convert times between any supported timezone
  • Get current time in different timezones
  • Retrieve timezone information (name, offset, DST status)
  • Calculate time differences between timezones
  • Error handling for invalid timezones and conversion failures


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

timezone-converter = "0.1.0"
chrono = "0.4"
chrono-tz = "0.8"


Timezone Converter

A Rust library for converting times between different timezones and getting timezone information. This library provides functionality to:

  • Convert times between any two timezones
  • Get current time in different timezones
  • Get timezone information including offset and DST status
  • Calculate time differences between timezones


use timezone_converter::TimeZoneConverter;

let converter = TimeZoneConverter::new("America/New_York", "Europe/London").unwrap();
let current_time = converter.get_current_time_source().unwrap();
let converted_time = converter.convert(current_time).unwrap();


~29K SLoC