#timed #cache #session


An implementation of a cache that will regenerate a value if accessed after a certain amount of time

2 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.1 Sep 13, 2018
0.1.0 Sep 13, 2018

#310 in Caching

MIT license

114 lines

Timed Cache

This library is an implementation of a cache that stores its contents by a key, as well as the duration of time that value will remain valid once it has been written to the cache.

If the value is missing when the user tries to retrieve a value from the TimedCache, or the value has outlived the specified storage Duration of the cache, the value will be regenerated using a specified function.


    let cache = TimedCache::with_time_to_keep(Duration::from_seconds(60));
    cache.get(&"key".to_owned(), || some_mutexed_service.lock().unwrap().call());

For information, please see the tests and documentation.


I am more than willing to have help improving and extending this library. Please leave an issue and/or submit a pull request!



The following example is obviously overly simplistic, but gives an idea of how one might use this library. In a real-world application, one might have the generator function call an over-the-network service to get some session key.

   extern crate timed_cache;

   use timed_cache::TimedCache;

   use std::time::Duration;
   use std::sync::Mutex;

   struct TestService(usize);

   impl TestService {
       fn next(&mut self) -> usize {
           let n = self.0;
           self.0 += 1;

   let time_to_keep = Duration::from_millis(1);
   let mut cache = TimedCache::<String, usize>::with_time_to_keep(time_to_keep);

   let service = Mutex::new(TestService(0));

   let generate_value = || service.lock().unwrap().next();

   (0..1000).for_each(|_| {
       // this generator method will
       let value = cache.get(&"value".to_owned(), generate_value);
       println!("{}", value);

No runtime deps