#sequencer #tether #control #duration #clip #command #soundscape

app tether-soundscape

A remote-controllable audio sequencer

5 releases

0.5.5 Feb 27, 2025
0.5.4 Feb 26, 2025
0.5.3 Feb 13, 2025
0.4.2 Dec 5, 2024
0.4.1 Nov 19, 2024

#145 in Audio

Download history 5/week @ 2024-11-26 144/week @ 2024-12-03 19/week @ 2024-12-10 1/week @ 2025-01-07 150/week @ 2025-02-11 4/week @ 2025-02-18 299/week @ 2025-02-25 33/week @ 2025-03-04 1/week @ 2025-03-11

351 downloads per month


1.5K SLoC

Tether Soundscape

A multi-layered audio sequencer, remote-controllable via Tether, to create soundscapes. Runs in a full GUI mode or headless - even on a Raspberry Pi!

screenshot animation

Quick Start


cargo install tether-soundscape

Run, pointing to your sample bank JSON:

tether-soundscape mysoundbank.json

If you have tether-egui installed (cargo install tether-egui), you can test remote control:

tether-egui egui-demo.json

Sample bank JSON

Currently, the Sample Bank JSON files are created "by hand". Later versions will allow creation, editing and saving of these via the GUI. See ./soundbank-demo.json file for an example.

Volume and Panning defaults and overrides

Clips in the Sample Bank may optionally be given a volume and/or panning setting.

If an incoming clipCommands message specifies volume or panning values, then these will override any defaults specified in the JSON.

If neither a JSON-specified value nor a message-specified override is available for one or both of these, a default will be applied (full volume and centred panning).

See Conventions for more detail on how these values are intended to be used.

Remote control (Input from Tether)

Single Clip Commands

On the topic +/+/clipCommands

Has the following fields

  • command (required): one of the following strings: "hit", "add", "remove"
    • "hit" does not loop
    • "add" does loop
  • clipName (required): string name for the targetted clip
  • fadeDuration (optional): an integer value for milliseconds to fade in or out (command-dependent)
  • panPosition, panSpread (both optional): if panPosition is specified, this will override any per-clip panning specified in the Sample Bank JSON
    • panSpread on its own will be ignored
    • panPosition on its own will apply a default spread value (0.0)

See the Conventions section for more detail on how these values are defined.

Scene Messages

On the topic +/+/scenes

Has the following fields

  • mode (optional, default is "loopAll"): one of the following strings: "loopAll", "onceAll", "onceRandom",
  • clipNames (required): zero or more clip names; if zero are provided, the system will transition to an empty scene (silence all clips)
  • fade_duration (optional): an integer value for milliseconds to transition from current scene to the new one

Global Controls

On the topic +/+/globalControls

Has the following fields:

  • command: one of the following:
    • "pause": pause (but do not stop or remove) all currently playing clips; ignored if already paused
    • "play": resume all clips; ignored if not already paused
    • "silence": immediately stop all clips (fast fade out)
    • "masterVolume": set all clips to the specified volume; in future this should probably adjust a final mix or output level
  • volume: only used when command is "masterVolume"


A project file for Tether Egui is provided in ./egui-demo.json for easy testing of the remote control functions.

Alternatively, use the tether send commands below if using Tether Utils.

Single clip hit:

tether send --plug.name clipCommands --message \{\"command\":\"hit\"\,\"clipName\":\"frog\"\}

Single clip hit, specify panning (ignored if in Stereo Mode):

tether send --plug.name clipCommands --message \{\"command\":\"hit\"\,\"clipName\":\"frog\"\,\"panPosition\":0,\"panSpread\":1\}

Scene with two clips (default mode is "loopAll"):

tether send --plug.name scenes --message \{\"clipNames\":\[\"frog\"\,\"squirrel\"]\}

Scene where system should "pick one random" from the list:

tether send --plug.name scenes --message \{\"mode\":\"random\",\"clipNames\":\[\"frog\"\,\"squirrel\"]\}

Remove single clip

tether send --plug.name clipCommands --message \{\"command\":\"remove\",\"clipName\":\"frog\"\}

Add single clip, custom fade duration

tether send --plug.name clipCommands --message \{\"command\":\"add\",\"clipName\":\"squirrel2\",\"fadeDuration\":5000\}

Scene with zero clips (silence all), custom fade duration:

tether send --plug.name scenes --message \{\"clipNames\":\[\],\"fadeDuration\":500\}

Output to Tether


This agent publishes frequently on the topic soundscape/any/state, which can be useful for driving animation, lighting effects, visualisation, etc. in sync with playback. The state messages include the following fields:

  • isPlaying: whether or not the audio stream is playing
  • clips: an array of currently playing clips (only), with the following information for each:
    • id (int)
    • name (string)
    • progress (float, normalised to range [0,1])
    • currentVolume (float, normalised to range [0,1])
    • looping (boolean)

To minimise traffic, the agent will only publish an empty clip list (clips: []) once and then resume as soon as at least one clip begins playing again.


Discrete events (clip begin/end) are published on the events Plug, e.g. soundscape/any/events. This can be useful for driving external applications that only need to subscribe to significant begin/end events.


volume values are a multiplier, so 0.0 means silence and 1.0 means "full volume". A value > 1.0 will amplify the volume relative to the original source.

panning is separated into two distance keys (in JSON file and/or messages) and a tuple (in Rust, internally) - position followed by spread. These values are meant to be used as follows:

  • position (panPosition in JSON) is a value in the range [0; output_channel_count - 1]. So, in a 4 channel setup, position 3.0 would be "full right", i.e. loudest in channel 4.
  • spread (panSpread in JSON) is a multiple of the "width" of a channel. So, 0.0 means that the signal will be as focussed as possible, i.e. "1 channel width".

Why 🦀 Rust?:

  • Minimal memory/CPU footprint for high performance
  • Cross-platform but without any need to install browser, use Electron, etc.
  • Full GUI or headless (text-only) modes are possible
  • Great way to learn about low-level audio sample/buffer control, multi-threading in Rust


  • Demonstrate running (headless?) on Raspberry Pi
  • Volume should be overrideable (as is the case for panning) in messages
  • Refine the panning position/spread format and document it. Should panning be normalised or in range [0;channels-1]? Should spread have a minimum of 1 (="only target channel or adding up to 1 if between two channels")?
  • Must be able to specify Group/ID for Tether (publishing)
  • Allow input plugs to be subscribed to with a specified group (optional), so +/someGroup/clipCommands rather than the default +/+/clipCommands, and also publish on soundscape/someGroup/state
  • Stream/global level instructions, e.g. "play", "pause" (all), "silence all", "master volume", etc.
  • Allow MIDI to trigger clips (MIDI Mediator and/or directly)
  • Allow bank to be created, edited, saved directly from GUI, start from "blank" or load demo if nothing
  • Drag and drop samples into bank
  • Visualise clip playback in circles, not just progress bars
  • Make use of tempo, quantisation for timing
  • Provide utility/test modes, e.g. tone per channel
  • Optionally connect to Ableton link
  • Basic ADSR (or just Attack-Release) triggering for samples
  • GUI show output levels per channel somehow? (depends on https://github.com/RustAudio/rodio/issues/475)
  • Replace generic/empty Err(()) returns with something better, e.g. anyhow crate


~1M SLoC