1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jun 27, 2020

#2028 in Procedural macros

22 downloads per month

MIT license



Very minimalist procedural macro to help with tests, when you have to run some piece of code right before and after the actual test. You know, some sort of setup and teardown kind of thing.

I wrote it with educational purpose as I'm exploring Rust's procedural macros feature. But to be honest it kinda works and I may get to use it on Moy Sekret. Let's see.

How To

It is pretty straightforward and there is a standalone test that shows it plain and simple.

// Import the damn crate

extern crate testaun;
use testaun::testaun_case;

// Those functions are mandatory to be able to use #[testaun]. You'll see an
// error if they're not provided in the current scope.

fn testaun_before() {

fn testaun_after() {

// Try it out just like below in order to see [BEFORE] and [AFTER] printed out:
// $ cargo test -- --nocapture

fn should_work_fine() {
    assert!(1 == 1, "oh damn! it should be the other way around");

fn should_work_as_normal() {
    assert_eq!(1, 1);

So you can use #[testaun] or not. If you go ahead use it, you must provide two functions testaun_before and testaun_after. And that's it.

What a testaun Joe?

Yeah. Big one, dude.

Leandro Silva <leandrodoze@gmail.com>


~33K SLoC