#telegram-bot #telegram #telegram-api #bot #bot-api #api


Telegram bots api simple rust wrapper, and no more

10 releases (breaking)

0.77.0 Jul 14, 2024
0.76.0 Jul 14, 2024
0.75.0 Jun 18, 2024
0.74.0 May 30, 2024
0.0.1 Mar 8, 2024

#4 in #bots

Download history 32/week @ 2024-03-31 26/week @ 2024-04-07 247/week @ 2024-04-28 9/week @ 2024-05-05 618/week @ 2024-05-26 77/week @ 2024-06-02 22/week @ 2024-06-09 169/week @ 2024-06-16 3/week @ 2024-06-23 197/week @ 2024-07-14

204 downloads per month

MIT license

16K SLoC


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Telegram bots api simple rust wrapper, and no more.


  • async: asynchronous execution api calls
  • sync: synchronous execution api calls


Run cargo add telegram_bots_api, or add lines to Cargo.toml:

telegram_bots_api = "0.77.0"
rust-version = "1.74.0"


    sync-playground [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --token <token>

    -d, --debug         Environment: Debug mode
    -h, --help          Prints help information
    -p, --production    Environment: Is production
    -V, --version       Prints version information

        --connect-timeout <connect-timeout>    Client: Connect timeout in secs. Set a timeout for only the connect phase
                                               [default: 5]
        --timeout <timeout>                    Client: Timeout in secs. The timeout is applied from when the request
                                               starts connecting until the response body has finished [default: 5]
        --token <token>                        Telegram: Token
        --updates-limit <updates-limit>        Updates: Limits the number of updates to be retrieved [default: 100]
        --updates-offset <updates-offset>      Updates: Identifier of the first update to be returned [default: 0]
        --updates-timeout <updates-timeout>    Updates: Timeout in seconds for long polling [default: 0]
        --url <url>                            Telegram: Api url [default: https://api.telegram.org]

How to use

Only one required flag is token, example run:


File structure:

├── Cargo.lock                                        # Lock file
├── Cargo.toml                                        # Toml file
├── LICENSE                                           # LICENSE
├── README.md                                         # README
├── /examples                                         # Examples
│   ├── /async
│   │   ├── get_me.rs
│   │   └── playground.rs
│   └── /sync
│       ├── get_me.rs
│       └── playground.rs
├── postman.json                                      # Postman collection
└── /src                                              # Source code
    ├── /api                                          # Api structs definitions
    │   ├── /enums                                    # Enums
    │   │   ├── bot_command_scope.rs
    │   │   ...
    │   │   └── reply_markup.rs
    │   ├── enums.rs
    │   ├── mod.rs
    │   ├── /params                                   # Params structs for payload
    │   │   ├── add_sticker_to_set.rs
    │   │   ...
    │   │   └── upload_sticker_file.rs
    │   ├── params.rs
    │   ├── /requests                                 # Request traits
    │   │   ├── async.rs
    │   │   └── sync.rs
    │   ├── requests.rs
    │   ├── /responses                                # Telegram responses structs definitions
    │   │   ├── error.rs
    │   │   ├── parameters.rs
    │   │   └── result.rs
    │   ├── responses.rs
    │   ├── /types                                    # Telegram types 
    │   │   ├── animation.rs
    │   │   ...
    │   │   └── write_access_allowed.rs
    │   └── types.rs
    ├── /clients                                      # Clients definitions
    │   ├── async.rs
    │   ├── mod.rs
    │   └── sync.rs
    ├── config.rs                                     # Config definition
    ├── errors.rs                                     # Errors definition
    ├── lib.rs
    └── /tests
        ├── /clients                                  # Cleints
        │   ├── async.rs                              # Async client tests
        │   ├── mod.rs
        │   └── sync.rs                               # Sync client tests
        ├── config.rs                                 # Config tests
        ├── errors.rs                                 # Errors tests
        ├── /helpers                                  # Helpers for tests
        │   ├── mocked_async.rs
        │   ├── mocked_sync.rs
        │   └── mod.rs
        ├── mod.rs
        └── responses                                 # Example of json responses
            ├── add_sticker_to_set_error.json
            └── upload_sticker_file_success.json


~471K SLoC