#table #alignment #table-row #formatting #cli #plain-text

yanked taalika

Plain text tables, aligned automatically (fork of tabular)

0.1.6 Dec 21, 2021
0.1.5 Dec 21, 2021

#4 in #tables


472 lines

taalika: plain text tables in Rust

Crates.io Documentation (latest release) Documentation (main) License: MIT License: Apache 2.0

Builds plain, automatically-aligned tables of monospaced text. This is basically what you want if you are implementing ls.


use taalika::{Table, Row};
use std::path::Path;

fn ls(dir: &Path) -> ::std::io::Result<()> {
    let mut table = Table::new("{:>}  {:<}{:<}  {:<}");
    for entry_result in ::std::fs::read_dir(dir)? {
        let entry    = entry_result?;
        let metadata = entry.metadata()?;

             .with_cell(if metadata.permissions().readonly() {"r"} else {""})
             .with_cell(if metadata.is_dir() {"d"} else {""})

    print!("{}", table);



produces something like

1198     target/.rustc_info.json
1120  d  target/doc
 192  d  target/package
1056  d  target/debug

Other features

  • The Table::with_heading() and Table::add_heading() methods add lines that span all columns.

  • The row! macro builds a row with a fixed number of columns using less syntax.

  • The Table::set_line_end() method allows changing the line ending to include a carriage return (or whatever you want).

  • The Row::with_ansi_cell and Row::add_ansi_cell methods can be used to add cells with ANSI color codes, and still have their widths be computed correctly.


taalika is on crates.io.


  • Feature unicode-width is used to compute the width of columns in terms of Unicode graphemes. It is enabled by default and depends on the unicode-width crate.

    Note that without unicode-width, alignment will be based on the count of the std::str::Chars iterator.

This crate supports Rust version 1.46.0 and later.

See also

You may also want:

  • tabular - taalika is a fork of this crate with additional features.

  • text-tables – This is more automatic than tabular. You give it an array of arrays, it renders a nice table with borders. Tabular doesn't do borders.

  • prettytable — This has an API more similar to tabular’s in terms of building a table, but it does a lot more, including, color, borders, and CSV import.

