#struct #dict #ident

macro super-struct

use the struct of Rust in the same way that dict of Python

2 stable releases

1.0.2 Jul 2, 2024
1.0.1 Jun 30, 2024
0.1.0 Jun 30, 2024

#679 in Data structures

Download history 311/week @ 2024-06-28 35/week @ 2024-07-05

118 downloads per month


349 lines




super-struct 旨在帮助开发者像 Pythondict 那样使用 Ruststruct

The super-struct is designed to help developers use the struct of Rust in the same way that dict of Python


Most of the functionality of this library has already been implemented


There are also some features that are under active development

  • 获取 struct 中的字段名(keys)
  • 获取 struct 中的值
  • 根据 struct 的字段名称(key)获取值
  • 根据 struct 的字段名称(key)设置值
  • 动态向 struct 中添加字段(key)(这个应该很难做到)

  • Get field names (keys) in struct
  • Get the value in struct
  • Gets the value based on the field name (key) of struct
  • Set the value based on the field name (key) of struct
  • Dynamically add a field (key) to the struct (this should be hard to do)


If you have a better proposal or need, please feel free to raise an issue



Add in Cargo.toml

super-struct = "*"

struct 里的类型都一致的情况下

struct is the case where the types are the same

use super_struct::*;

#[derive(Debug, Rustdict)]
struct Test {
    name: String,
    country: String,
    language: String,

fn main() {
    let mut test = Test {
        name: "WebChang".to_string(),
        country: "China".to_string(),
        language: "Mandarin".to_string(),
    println!("{:?}", test.keys());
    // ["name", "country", "language"]

    for i in test.keys() {
        test[i] = "Hello".to_string();
        if i == "language" {
            test[i] = "Rust".to_string()
    println!("{:?}", test);
    // Test { name: "Hello", country: "Hello", language: "Rust" }

    test.set("country", "中国".to_string());
    println!("{:?}", test.values());
    // ["Hello", "中国", "Rust"]

    test["country"] = test.get("language").clone();
    println!("{:?}", test.values());
    //["Hello", "Rust", "Rust"]

如果 struct 里的类型不一致则 Self[key] 的语法糖不可用

If the types in struct are inconsistent, the syntactic sugar for Self[key] is not available

use super_struct::*;

#[derive(Debug, Rustdict)]
struct Test {
    name: String,
    country: String,
    language: String,
    age: u8,

fn main() {
    let mut test = Test {
        name: "WebChang".to_string(),
        country: "China".to_string(),
        language: "Mandarin".to_string(),
        age: 24u8,
    println!("{:?}", test.keys());
    // ["name", "country", "language", "age"]
    println!("{:?}", test.values());
    // [Any { .. }, Any { .. }, Any { .. }, Any { .. }]

    for i in test.keys() {
        test.set(i, &"Hello".to_string());
        // 如果类型不一致则什么都不会发生
        // If the types are inconsistent, nothing happens
        // if i == &"age" {
        //     test.set(i, &25u8)
        // }
    println!("{:?}", test);
    // Test { name: "Hello", country: "Hello", language: "Hello", age: 24 }

    test.set("age", &25u8);
    println!("{:?}", test);
    // Test { name: "Hello", country: "Hello", language: "Hello", age: 25 }

    // "Hello"



  • 初始版本
  • Initial release

1.0.0 & 1.0.1

  • 更正文档错误
  • Correct document errors


  • 添加对 where 子句的支持
  • Adds support for the where clause
  • 修改 Self.keys(&self) -> &'static[&'static str]Self::keys() -> Vec<&'static str>
  • Changed Self.keys(&self) -> &'static[&'static str] to Self::keys() -> Vec<&'static str>
  • 详细请移步到 Github
  • For more details, please move to Github


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